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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 211

“…You are missing the point! Stop teasing me!” I cried out before I laughed.

“Hahaha! You’re really fun to tease,” Edward said as he started laughing along with me.

“Stop it, Edward!” I yelled at him jokingly.

“My work is fine. I can manage. There is nothing for you to worry about. If I’m required to be there in person; then I will be. Just trust my judgement, ok?” Edward explained. For once since this conversation started, he was answering me seriously.

“Ok…if you say so…” I mumbled, only half convinced.

However, I had to take his word for it and leave it at that. I admit it still felt weird knowing what Edward was doing and where he was all the time and not learning about his wild adventures from the news.

After a while of driving, we seemed to have arrived at our destination as the car came to a stop.

“We’re here,” Edward announced as he got out of the car and came to my side.

He opened the car door for me in one swift motion before bowing. For a moment, I was reminded of Reiner, and I cursed myself for it. That thought was gone as suddenly as it came when Edward’s handsome face smiled up at me. Wow…he looks just like a prince.

A slightly twisted and evil one…but still a prince.

Placing my hand in his awaiting one, Edward got up and helped me out of the car. I thanked him politely as I made sure that I didn’t fall flat on my face and ruin this magical moment.

“Ok…where are we?” I asked in confusion as I looked around at where we were.

Seriously, where are we?

It was dark pretty much all around us and I wasn’t sure where we were. One thing was for sure, darkness separated us from the city that was far beyond. I could see city light from the buildings in the far distance.

“Come…” Edward said as he tugged my hand, urging me to follow him.

After a short walk, I realized that we were at a harbor and what seemed like darkness was actually water. We were at a harbor and this body mass must be a large lake of some sort. I never knew a lake this big existed this close to the city.

“Well, surprise…” Edward said non-ceremoniously.

Oh my…

I gasped at a loss for words at the sight before me. Suddenly, the void of darkness before us lit up with so many golden lights. Where there was nothing, I could see a large white ship lit up by countless golden lights.

I turned to Edward in shock with my eyes wide open and my mouth hanging open. Edward just shrugged wordlessly as if this was nothing on his scale of surprises.

“Welcome onboard Master Edward and Miss Natalia,” said a voice I was sure I had heard before.

“Oh…Ralph!” I exclaimed in surprise as Ralph appeared to welcome us.

His face as old but as friendly as the first time that I had met him at one of Edward’s estate.


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