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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 212

**Boom Boom Boom**

“Wow…” I whispered in awe.

I watched in bewilderment as many fireworks lit up the night sky, its colors reflecting in the dark water of the lake making the sight even more breathtaking. The firework display continued as fireworks of many sizes, shape and colors lit up the sky. I laughed happily like a child without realizing it as I turned to hug Edward who was standing stiffly next to me.

“This is just so amazing! Thank you, Edward!” I cried out in joy and thanked him. I have already lost count of how many times I’ve thanked Edward lately.

Edward just patted my head adoringly as we stared up at the sky together watching the fireworks. I’m not sure how to describe how magical that moment felt. However, in that moment it felt like the fireworks gave me strength and gave me hope. Seeing rainbow lights dancing like this at the end of a very dark and winding tunnel wasn’t a bad comparison.

I clapped my hands in delight as the firework display came to an end. I wondered if people in the city could see the fireworks too. I bet they could. It would be wonderful if many people could experience the joy that I had just experienced.

I felt warm arms encircle me from behind and realized that Edward had hugged me tightly to his body. I smiled up at him as I offered my lips to him for a kiss. Edward leaned down and sealed my lips with his. I moaned with pleasure as our kiss deepened, his tongue flirting with mine. I leaned back against his body as I began to kiss him back hungrily.

“Natalia…” Edward whispered my name passionately when our kiss ended.

“Hmm?” I replied questioningly.

Slowly and gently as if he was handling glass, Edward slowly turned me around to face him. His large hands held both on mine in his.

His next words shocked me into silence.

“Will you marry me?” Edward said firmly and clearly.

I felt many emotions run through me at that moment. First came shock at the seriousness of his proposal. Sure, Edward had asked me to marry him many times before but never did any of those times come with a romantic dinner on a cruise or a firework display. This time he was dead serious.

Second came so much happiness that I couldn’t even begin to describe. It made my whole chest tighten and it became hard to breathe. It made me question if any of this was even real to begin with. It made me want to jump up and down in joy and scream ‘of course I will marry you!’

Third came a sudden rush of hopelessness at the realization that marrying Edward was no longer a luxury that I had as an option. I looked down as I thought of the new life growing inside of me. I had sworn to put this child’s happiness first before my own and I was willing to forego anything to keep that promise.

Finally came determination as I had made my decision. There’s no way that I can marry Edward. I can’t lie to him about my pregnancy and even if I could, I wouldn’t do it. Plus, there was no way Edward would want to marry me anyways after he found out.

That’s just it.

“I’m sorry, Edward. I can’t marry you,” I replied as firmly as I could.

I was surprised that I didn’t start crying right then and there. Slowly, I withdrew my hands from his. I clenched my teeth as I tried to stop my tears from overflowing. I can’t cry right now.

Edward heaved a loud sigh as he ran his hand through his hair.

“Is it because I didn’t get down on one knee?” he asked, teasing me.

“What are you even saying…at a time like this…” I said in a shaky voice. It was too late; I was already crying.


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