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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 18

Rachel followed Clark into the restaurant.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, they attracted many people's attention, including the waitresses standing at the door.

"What a perfect couple! A handsome man and a beautiful woman make a perfect match!"

"Isn't that Clark Ji? Will the woman standing next to him be his future wife?"

They lowered their heads and whispered to each other.

Most people mistook her for Clark's future wife, Rachel felt embarrassed and her face flushed. Still, she calmly walked behind Clark.

Clark looked calm as if he didn't hear what they were talking about. He brought Rachel to the box on the top floor.

When Rachel saw the box was decorated with roses, she was shocked.

She assumed they were just having dinner. Why did it seem very grand and serious?

Clark pulled the dining chair out for her, looking like a real gentleman.

Stunned yet frightened, Rachel sat down in the chair.

After Clark sat down opposite Rachel, she asked, "Why do we come to eat here?"

"You don't like this restaurant?" Clark asked as he frowned.

Rachel shook her head and explained, "No, I didn't mean that. I just think the food price is ridiculously high."

"This restaurant is owned by me," Clark said in a low and cold voice.

Stunned, Rachel couldn't believe it was Clark who owned this fancy restaurant.

The medium well steak and champagne were soon served and placed in front of them.

Clark cut the steak into small equal pieces and pushed the plate in front of Rachel. And he then swapped it with her plate. He continued to cut the steak in her plate.

Touched by Clark's behavior, Rachel gave him a grateful look and said, "Thank you."

"Enjoy your meal," Clark said in indifferent voice. Then he put a slice of steak into his mouth.

After the meal, Clark took Rachel back to the villa.

As soon as they entered the door, Eva ran to Rachel with her mobile phone and said, "Miss Rachel, something terrible happened! Watch the video online!"

Stunned, Rachel asked, "What video?"

Eva handed her mobile phone to Rachel and explained, "I also don't know what happened. I saw this video when I was browsing the phone just now. Everyone was cursing you and saying that you are not good enough for Bill Song!"

Rachel took the phone from Eva's hand and had a look at the screen. She did not know who uploaded the video on the Internet. From the angle of shooting, she was standing close to Bill, and the latter was defending her and accusing Nancy.

With a quick glance at the screen, Clark shifted his gaze and strode towards his study room.

Watching him leave silently, Rachel felt something was wrong but she couldn't tell what it was.

Eva pestered her and asked, "Miss Rachel, what's going on? Why would Bill help you? You don't seem to know him well, do you?"

Rachel replied, shaking her head, "I don't know. Maybe he is just a warmhearted person."

After watching the video, Rachel continued to scroll down the website page and carefully browsed the comments.

But the more she read, the more shocked she was, because almost all the comments were biased!

No one seemed to care about the truth of the matter. Everyone was attacking her; they said that she didn't deserve to be with Bill and that how she got Bill's protection.

Eva also followed her to read the comments. She could not help but marvel, "Oh my God, Bill's fans are too crazy and completely out of mind! They were just talking bullshit!"

Eva quickly asked, "Miss Rachel, what happened? Can you tell me please?"


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