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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 19

Director Bob Chen declined Nancy's invitation and hung up the phone immediately. He said to Rachel with a smile, "Miss Rachel, it's really hard for you to be an assistant to Mr. Nancy. If you are willing to enter the entertainment circle, you will be a successful actress in the future!"

Bob Chen had already figured out the relationship between Rachel and Nancy after he saw the video yesterday.

At the moment of hearing Nancy's name, Rachel who was interested in the proposal had more worries.

Suddenly, Clark raised his head and said to Rachel, "If you like it, you can have a try."

After thinking for a while, Rachel shook her head and said, "Director Bob, thank you for your appreciation. I'm not going to act at this stage."

Bob Chen was taken aback. "Miss Rachel, this is really a rare opportunity. It's rare to meet such a character specially made for you. If you work hard to act in the play, you'll definitely be famous..."

Clark interrupted Bob, "Bob, she has refused to play the role."

Bob Chen glanced at Clark, shook his head, sighed and went back to his seat.

After breakfast, Rachel was about to go to the filming site.

Seeing that she was about to go out, Clark, who had just seen Bob off, said indifferently, "I'll drive you there."

Stunned for a while, Rachel shook her head and said, "No, I can take a taxi. Your company is not in the same direction as the filming site I am going to."

"It doesn't matter." Clark took the key and walked directly in front of Rachel.

Left with no choice, Rachel had to get in his car.

Inside the car, suddenly, Clark asked, "Why did you turn down Bob's suggestion? Don't you want to be an actress?"

With a smile, Rachel shook her head and said, "Actually, I haven't decided yet. I'm now Nancy's assistant. If I act in a new TV play, won't it confirm everyone's suspicion about me? People say that I want to use Nancy and Bill to become famous."

An unreadable look flashed through Clark's eyes, and then he said lightly, "Don't care about what other people think about you."

Rachel didn't say anything. It was easy to say it, but hard to do it.

As soon as she arrived at the filming site, Rachel saw Nancy standing at the door waiting for her.

"Ha ha, you are coming? Aren't you going to be a big star? Why are you still willing to be my assistant?" Nancy looked at Rachel with a mocking smile.

"I have rejected to play in the new play," said Rachel with a plain tone.

"What?" Nancy was stunned and looked at her incredibly. "You, you rejected?"

With a slight smile, Rachel said, "That's right. So you will have a chance again. Try harder!"

Nancy was completely shocked. She couldn't believe that Rachel would turn down a character in the play she had tried so hard to fight for? And judging from her expression, she was not regretful!

The expression on Nancy's face changed, but then an idea occurred to her. She turned around and made the call.

"Director Bob, I heard that you have not found the suitable actress for the role I like yet, right?"

"I want to go to an audition. Please give me a chance. I'll do my best!"

"What? You will remove the character if you cannot find the perfect person to play that role? No, Bob......"

With a sullen face, Nancy hung up the phone. She turned her head to look at Rachel, asking, "Did you speak ill of me to Director Bob?"

"I said nothing about you," Rachel stated glanced at Nancy in confusion.

"Then why would he rather remove this character than let me audition?" Nancy asked furiously.

"How do I know?" asked Rachel, frowning.

Nancy forced herself to calm down and said with a snort, "Rachel, don't think you could enter the entertainment circle because of the video which was on the top search yesterday. Let me tell you, it's not that easy!"

"The entertainment circle is a dirty business, not to mention that you were not a celebrity yesterday, but a notorious person! People are saying that you used Bill and you are a scheming bitch! Ha ha, even if you act in a new play, the audience won't buy it!"


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