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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 30

It was the first time for Rachel to walk on the red carpet, and it was inevitable that she was a little nervous.

Feeling her anxiety, Clark reached out and held her hand.

When she felt his warm and soft hand, Rachel gradually calmed down. She was now able to deal with the situation with ease.

In the face of people who didn't know or know them, Clark and Rachel responded with a smile one by one.

They seemed to have a special sense of understanding between each other.

They were the focus of the party. Most importantly, Rachel was so eye-catching tonight.

As long as she smiled, other women at present could not compare to her regarding appearance and temperament.

Standing beside her, Clark was in a good mood with a small smile on his face.

The award ceremony began. Rachel sat next to Clark under the stage.

When she heard the words "best supporting actress, Rachel!", her heart suddenly trembled, and she was overjoy. She didn't expect to win the award of the best supporting actress, since it was the first time for her to act in a movie.

This award meant her hard-work had not gone unnoticed.

Clark reached out and gently pushed her, whispering, "It's time for you to go up."

His statement brought her back to reality. She hurried to the stage elegantly.

When she came to the emcee's side, someone gave her the trophy and invited her to deliver a speech.

Rachel held the microphone, not knowing what to say for a moment.

She looked at Clark subconsciously. When she saw the smile on his face, she felt relieved. She said in a calm voice, "I want to thank someone first. Because of his appreciation and encouragement, I have become who I am today. With his help, I have achieved my achievements today!

Without him, perhaps I'm still living a terrible and aimless life. Without him, I wouldn't have found that I have great interest in acting. He is the light and heat of my life. Standing here, I want to thank him, Clark Ji!"

Rachel gazed at Clark and said these words from the bottom of her heart. She wondered if he had been moved by her words?

Then she turned to thank the directors and her agent Michelle.

Sitting in the audience, Clark cracked a smile.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Clark answered the phone in a low voice. In the end, frowning, he asked, "What? Is the company in trouble again?"

Subconsciously, Clark caught a glimpse of Rachel, who was so stunning, on the stage. After a long pause, he nodded and said, "You guys take care of this first. I'll be right back."

Then, Clark left the venue.

After her speech, Rachel went off the stage.

When she went back to her seat, Clark didn't find Clark there.

Somehow, Rachel felt a little disappointed. Why didn't Clark stay to share the joy with her at this important moment?

Rachel stood up quietly, thinking that it was very likely for Clark to go to the bathroom.

She decided to look for him.

However, she didn't find him anywhere.

Just then, Rachel's phone rang.

She took out her phone subconsciously, only to find a new message.

"I have something to deal with in the company, so I'm leaving now." It was a message from Clark.

Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he had something to deal with.

Seeing the washroom not far away from her, Rachel was about to refine her makeup. However, she didn't notice that a pair of evil eyes was staring at her from behind.


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