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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 31

Finally, Rachel left the venue. Standing on the side of the road, she was wondering how to go home when she saw Bill walking towards her.

"Congratulations!" Bill walked closer to her and reached out his hand to her. With a smile on his face, he said, "You've got the best supporting actress award at your first movie. You're going to have a promising future!"

With a smile, Rachel said, "Thank you. You've got the best actor. You're much better than me!"

"Ha ha," said Bill with a smile, "It's different. You are better than me when I started out. It seems that Mr. Clark has helped you a lot!"

Rachel smiled without a word. It was true that Clark had helped her a lot.

Bill looked around and asked strangely, "Didn't Mr. Clark come with you? Where is he now?"

"He left early because he had something to deal with in the company," Rachel answered casually.

"You're such a beautiful and elegant goddess. How could he leave you and let you go home alone?" Bill could not help but teasing Rachel.

Rachel gave him a smile without saying anything.

"How about I driving you home?" Bill asked in a casual tone.

However, Rachel shook her head and said, "Thank you, but I don't want to bother you."

Hardly had her voice faded away, a black car stopped by the roadside. Michelle got out of the car, quickly ran to Rachel and said breathlessly, "Rachel, thank God you are still here. Mr. Clark asked me to pick you up!"

Stunned, Rachel couldn't believe her ears. With so many things to do, Clark didn't forget to ask someone to pick her up?

Bill shrugged his shoulders and couldn't help saying, "It seems that there is no point for me in offering to give you a lift. Mr. Clark never forgets about you, Rachel!"

Rachel said, smiling at Bill, "Then I'll leave now."

After getting on the car, Michelle explained to her, "Rachel, Mr. Clark just called me and said that he had something to do and asked me to pick you up. Did anything happen to you just now?"

Rachel shook her head, asking, "Didn't Mr. Clark say anything else?"

"No, he didn't. He sounded very busy on the phone," Michelle answered as she shook her head.

Rachel felt a little disappointed because he hadn't even congratulated her.

When she returned to the villa, Rachel found that Eva was at home alone and Clark hadn't come back yet.

Deep inside, Rachel felt more frustrated. It was so late. Was he still at work?

As soon as Eva saw her, she walked up to her and said with a smile, "Miss Rachel, I heard that you have won an award. Congratulations! Your efforts during these days has not been in vain!"

Rachel gave Eva a forced smile.

Seeing that Rachel was not interested, Eva could not help but smile. "You are not happy, is it because Mr. Clark did not come back with you?"

"How do you know?" Stunned, Rachel looked at Eva.

Eva shrugged and threw up her hands, explaining, "I've been known for you for so many years. I know you well.

Miss Rachel, to be honest, Mr. Clark has too many things to deal with in the company these days. Not only you, everyone in the company has to work overtime!"

Stunned by her answer, Rachel gave Eva a strange look and asked, "What about you? Why don't you work overtime?"

Eva smiled. "That's because Mr. Clark specially asked me to go home to accompany you. He was afraid that you would feel bored at home alone."

Rachel's heart was touched by his considerate suggestion. How considerate he was! He asked Michelle to pick her up and let Eva accompany her.

As for the fact that he was too busy to say congratulations to her, for the sake of his taking care of her, she would not make a fuss with him.

Thinking of this, Rachel's previous troubles were all gone, and she became more interested in what happened to Clark.


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