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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 110

Then I take out the black card, which Frances Louis gave me, and hand it to the boss.

“Use this card.”

I don’t want to spend Frances Louis’s money. But under today's circumstances, I can only use his money. Although I feel uncomfortable, at least, it solves the emergency.

As soon as the boss sees the black card, he immediately changes his attitude and says to me obsequiously, “This lady is really interesting. You could have said it earlier that you have money, then we don’t have to bother the policemen.”

He takes the black card, swipes it quickly, then smiles to the policeman, “Sorry sir, this is a misunderstanding, sorry to bother you.”

The policemen see that the matter is settled, they purse their lips and get out of the store.

“She is an mere designer. How could you get a black card? How dare you say you're upright and honest?” Nicole Snow glances down at the black card in my hand, her face is resentful.

Whitney Jordan's eyes fall on the black card, too, and her expression changed slightly.

Knowing the show is over, Nicole Snow takes Whitney Jordan and leaves.

Nora comes over, she says to me still fearfully, “You scared me to death. I thought you can’t afford it and would to be arrested.”

I smile at her, looking around the store, and ask, “Do you have another similar vase?”

I have already spent a lot of money anyway. I wouldn't mind spending a little more.

“You really have a crush on this vase. You're lucky. There is still one left.”

Nora gives me a vase. I take a look, and it looks the same as the broken one.

I take the vase home, all way carefully. I am afraid to break it again. I've had a really bad day.

Luckily, Frances Louis is not back yet.

I carefully place the vase on the TV stand, and ask Betty, “Do you think this vase looks like the one before?”

“Pretty much the same.” Betty nods with satisfaction, and I am relieved.

Frances Louis, who is not usually at home, probably forgets what the vase looks like.

Betty is busy cooking, and after I deal with the cut on my face, I go to the kitchen to help. The main reason to help with cooking is that the food would not be too bad to eat.

As soon as the dinner is ready, Frances Louis returns.

He comes home early today. Luckily, I got back before he did.

“You are back. Let’s have dinner.”

I say to him, untying my apron.

“I've had my dinner. Have the dinner yourselves.” Frances Louis sits down on the sofa without looking at me.


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