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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 113

I stay up all night thinking about how to make four million dollars as fast as I could.

The more I think, the more desperate I feel.

I couldn’t really have stayed with Frances Louis for so long. When I am fifty-seven, he would dislike me being old and wrinkled. I just hope one day he would get tired of looking at me and tell me to fuck off!

I go downstairs with dark circles under my eyes. I have a bad appetite during my period, so I just drink a glass of milk and prepare to go to work.

While I am changing my shoes in the hallway, Frances Louis comes downstairs, his face as cold as ever.

This man, in addition to talk dirty jokes, is usually serious and terrible!

Otherwise how would I think of this man as a beast in clothes!

“Where are you going?”

Frances Louis says lightly, apparently speaking to me.

“Go to work.” I roll my eyes.

He asks me while knowing the answer!

As a poor civilian, what else can I do besides go to work?!

“Go after you have breakfast.”

“No. I will be late for work, and I have drunk a glass of milk.”

I only wanted to have a glass of milk before I leave, so I didn't get down early. It's already eight o 'clock, I can’t catch the bus if I don’t leave now.

“Sit down and have breakfast. I will drive you to work later.” Frances Louis says sternly.

Money is the boss! I dare not offend him because I owe him so much money, so I go back to the table for breakfast.

Since he will drive me to work, I am in no hurry.

Betty sits beside and laughs, “Lady Jane wouldn’t listen to me no matter how I try to persuade her. Sir, you just said one sentence and she sit down to have breakfast.”

Of course, Betty doesn't understand my grievance. I don’t want to waste my time to explain to her, so I lower my head to eat my food.

Betty's not good at cooking, but the porridge she made is delicious. The pickles are bought outside, which taste good.

“Don’t eat that.”

Frances Louis says coldly and takes the salad away from me.


My fork has already poked at it and he doesn’t allow me to eat!


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