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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 124

"Frances Louis, are we going to die in this desert island?"

Perhaps the fever makes me stupid. How could I say such things to Frances Louis?

"No. As soon as the storm stops, the company will surely come and you'll be all right. If you are tired, take a rest. You may have been home when you wake up."

Frances Louis has never talked in such a tender tone to me.

His over tenderness makes me feel unrealistic.

"I don’t want to sleep. My stomach is churning." I say weakly.

Frances Louis says nothing but holds me tighter.

Then, it rains. I hear the rain pour loudly, but there are only few drops on my body.

The cold rain drops on my face, which wakes me up.

I can’t lie in Frances Louis’s arms like this. If Whitney comes back and sees us, I couldn’t explain then.

Quickly I push Frances Louis away. As soon as my hands touch his outfit, it can squeeze out water easily. After pushing him away, the rain seems to get heavier and I am caught unprepared.

But it didn’t rain heavily just now.


I look at Frances Louis and ask, "Did you just block the rain for me? Why are you so wet?"

Frances Louis looks at me coldly and says indifferently, "You think too much. I have just come out of the sea and my clothes are still wet."

He told me that he didn’t block the rain for me. Don’t flatter yourself, Jane Noyes!

I purse my lips and say nothing.

"Jane Noyes, I am back."

Steven Song's voice comes from not far away. I look through the rain and see him and Whitney return with a pile of fruits.

So close!


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