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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 126

"I must go back."

I put my phone in my purse and hurry out.

Steven Song doesn’t stop me, and says, "Jane, I will directly let you talk with the brand director about your design. By this way, you can get a higher commission, and maybe you can leave Frances Louis soon."

I look at Steven Song and nod to him thankfully, then I leave his house.

Normally, such a great chance would never come to me. Steven Song really helps me a lot.

If what he said is true, maybe one more amazing design I finished would be enough for me to leave Frances Louis.

I hurry back to Louis’s house, open the door, and go directly to the second floor for Frances Louis.

I am sure that Whitney is not here, or he wouldn’t let me come back.

But I don’t know why Whitney is not here. Looking at their love for each other, I thought they would come back and have a sweet time.

The door of Frances Louis's room is open. I go in and look round. Nobody is there.

He told me to come back, where is he?

Feeling confused, I return to my room, and as soon as I enter in, I am startled to see Frances Louis sitting on the sofa with a scowling face.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask.

Frances Louis sneers and stands up. He approaches me step by step. Finally, he forces me to the wall, leaving no room for me to retreat.

He doesn’t speak, just sneers and stares at me, which makes my scalp tingle.

"Don’t look at me like that. I am scared."

I shrink back uncontrollably, and say to Frances Louis lamely.

My voice and body are both shaking.

"You scared? Why weren’t you scared yesterday when you left with another man?"

"If I didn’t go back with him, can I come back with you? Whitney's there. How can I get back with you?" I explain.


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