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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 131

I stare at the screen for so long, but have no courage to answer it.

I am scared.

But if I didn’t answer it, that would make me look more suspicious.

After thinking for a while, I go away and pick it up.

“Hello, Jane Noyes? Yesterday I found out about Frances Louis and Cindy Leigh. I will torture her to death!”

Whitney Jordan gnashes over the phone.

I could feel her anger through the phone.

“Oh. I saw the news.” I say calmly, but my heart is racing.

“Well, Frances Louis thought I knew nothing. I secretly asked someone at the bank to keep an eye on his card details. I know what he buys as soon as he makes a consumption. Yesterday afternoon, he spent four million dollars at the jewelry store. I never like jewelry, so I know he must have bought it for some bitch. Then I caught him in bed with Cindy Leigh at night, and that woman was wearing the jewelry he bought from that store!”

What Whitney Jordan did makes me startled. I didn’t expect that she would pay close attention to Frances Louis.

It was me who accompanied Frances Louis to the jewelry store. If Whitney Jordan knows, god knows what she would do to me.

Now, what will she do to Cindy Leigh?

“What are you going to do?” I gulp and ask her.

I want to ask clearly and know exactly about what might happen to me.

“What else can I do? Not only I will ruin her, but also I will torture her to death!”

Cold sweat drips from my body like rain.

Whitney Jordan has a mental illness. A psychopath can do anything.

“Don't be impulsive. She has suffered a lot.” I dissuade her.

She is a not popular star, now she is known as a mistress. Her career has been ruined.

“You don’t need to worry about that. I just want to tell you that if you see Frances Louis having an abnormal relationship with any woman, please let me know. I think he must have more than one woman. After all, he is so excellent, there must be so many women throw themselves on him.”

Yes, the woman you are talking on the phone is one of them.

The only difference between me and those women is that they are willing, but I am forced.

I don’t know whether Whitney Jordan would listen to my explanation.


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