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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 139

“What's the good news?”

He is smiling, but I always feel like nothing good is happening.

He stands up, walks towards me, and says in a cold voice, “Let’s go out for dinner. Let’s talk about it when we come back.”

Frances Louis wants me to guess. Darn it! He just wants to torture me since I am always being curious for all kinds of things!

I want to ignore him, so I grit my teeth and say, “I am not hungry”, then I go upstairs.

Anyway, I ate at four o'clock in the afternoon, and had a snack in the evening, so I'm not hungry at all.

But now it's over ten o'clock in the evening and Frances Louis hasn't had dinner yet, does it mean he was waiting for me?

But why doesn’t he call me and tell me to come back? Or has he just gotten back too, and hasn't had time to call me yet?

I couldn't figure it out, so I quit.

“Jane Noyes, I'm hungry.”

Frances Louis begs with soft voice, like a helpless child.

I turn around and meet with his cold face.

It must have been my imagination.

“I'll go cook you a bowl of noodles then,” I say, and head towards the kitchen.

Behind me, Frances Louis suddenly holds me back and says, “I said you're not allowed to go into the kitchen to cook again.”

No more cooking in the kitchen? That seems to have different meanings.

“Are you sure you don't want me to go into the kitchen to cook?” I look at Frances Louis and ask extremely seriously.

“Yeah.” He says.

“Well, remember what you said,” I say, shaking off his hand and running quickly towards the kitchen.

I get the induction cooker, the pot, the spices, and the bowl and noodles. As long as the water is boiling, I could make the noodles.

As I put the spices in, I say smugly to Frances Louis, “You said I wasn't allowed to get in the kitchen to cook again. As you can see, when I go into the kitchen, I'm not cooking. When I cook, I'm not in the kitchen.”


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