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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 143

“Nicole Snow, why you plagiarize my design?”

I question her as soon as I rush into her office.

Nicole Snow looks up at me, calmly and coldly, “What are you talking about? I don't understand.”

I should have known that someone like Nicole Snow, who has experienced a lot, wouldn't panic even if I come to question her.

Seeing how calm she is, I couldn't be too impatient. I take two deep breaths to calm down and say, “The drawings you gave Mangalore are obviously a copy of my design. You're a well-known designer, why would you do that?”

I place my phone on Nicole Snow's desk, together with my own drawings. The two drawings are exactly the same.

“They do seem to be the same.” Nicole Snow glances at it and smiles lightly, “But do you have any proof to prove that I copied your design? Your design hasn't been released to the market, while mine has already been published. As for plagiarize, it seems that you have plagiarized mine. Besides, do you think that with my reputation as Nicole Snow, people will believe that I copied your design?”

Nicole Snow's words, like a bucket of cold water, pour over me from head to toe.

I'm just a newcomer, how can I compare with Nicole Snow? Public opinion for sure is on Nicole Snow's side. But that's not the truth.

I can’t accept it. If this work was really judged to be Nicole Snow's, that means all my dreams are shattered. I wouldn't have my own house, and I wouldn't be able to leave Frances Louis for a while.

“Speak with evidence.”

Steven Song's voice comes from the doorway. I look back and find that the office has already been filled with onlookers outside.

“Steven Song, I didn't plagiarize.”

I walk up to him and say to him by looking straight in his eyes.

Steven Song is still wearing his mask and looks like he hasn’t recovered from his allergy. He must have come to the office specifically because of me.

“I know, I trust you.” Steven Song smiles at me and pats on the shoulder to comfort me.

Nicole Snow's face turns pale at once while saying to Steven Song.


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