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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 164

Who is knocking at this hour?

If I’m a man, I might think that this is a special service. But I’m a woman and this should not apply to me.

Can it be a burglar?

After all, the security at a motel isn’t as good as a hotel.

Or perhaps it’s a psychotic murderer?

Or a rapist?

The knocking doesn’t stop. I get up to put on my clothes. As I walk from the bed to the door, my mind already plays back the scenes of horror movies.

My limbs are starting to tremble with fear.

I walk carefully to the door and open the door slightly. As I look out, I see Frances’ dark and frightening face.

How is he able to find me?

I shut the door in a hurry and lean against the door.

My heartbeat starts to race.

That’s it! Frances found me. From the looks of his face, I’m sure something bad is going to happen!

“Open up!”

Frances’ deep and furious voice thunders from outside the door, causing me to tremble in fear.

But I’ll be a fool to open the door at this moment.

“No!” I insist.

“I won’t mind if you want more onlookers.”

Frances is threatening me.

I don’t want to cause a scene and can only open the door in defeat.


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