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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 194

Nicole looks at Noah with her head tilted for a while. Then, she says in surprise, "It’s you!"

Then she turns her head, looks at me apologetically and says, "I’m sorry I belittled you at that time. I hope it doesn’t affect your relationship."

I stand there, feeling very embarrassed.

I didn’t expect Noah would say such a thing at this time.

If I expose this lie now, he’ll be embarrassed.

I restrain myself from telling the truth. I just stand there silently. Noah gets out of bed and says to Nicole, "Did you just say you were going to have dinner? I’m hungry, too. Let’s eat together."

Did he hear that?

Did he wake up long ago?

Or has he not been asleep at all?

Nicole nods and walks with us in the direction of the restaurant.

Noah orders the food. He is afraid that I will not be full, so he orders several more dishes. Nicole always says Noah is very considerate and that I have a good fiance.

I just smile politely but say nothing.

We eat for a while, and then I see Frances and Whitney coming in from the outside.

Because I’m facing the door, they also see me as soon as they come in.

Whitney glances at me, and then disdainfully glances at Noah sitting next to me.

Frances doesn’t give me a look at all.

They sit directly at the table next to us.


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