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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 199

Frances naturally isn’t satisfied with my actions and continues to ride vigorously.

But I still have my bottom line. Even if I bite my lips until they bleed, I will persevere not to make those embarrassing moaning sounds.

This is for my self-respect and in consideration of Noah.

“Jane, is that man outside so important?”

The man’s face turns dark and continues to thrust savagely into her.

I almost blacked out from those intense sensations. I feel the groans right at the tip of my tongue that will spill out at any moment.

No! I can’t let Noah hear it!

Frances remarks coldly and continues with his ravaging.

“Ah… ooh”

At the moment where I almost lost control, I lower my head and ruthlessly bite down on Frances’ shoulder.

Frances stops and glares sharply at me.

I can’t be bothered for much more. Since he didn’t make it easy for me, I’ll do the same to him.

“Release your bite.” The man says solemnly. The coldness of his body brought down the entire room’s temperature.

“No, unless you release me.” I continue to bite on his shoulder and as I mumble.

The man’s arm which is around my waist tightens and he forcibly thrusts causing my heart to tremble.

No, it’s too deep.

Just like that, Frances’ actions slowed somewhat but with each thrust, it penetrated to my deepest point. Before, I could still hold my bottom line. But towards the end, I don’t even have the energy to bite on his shoulder.

I moan along with his movements.

Frances’ strength is alarmingly good. Although he holds onto me with one arm, he can continue tirelessly.

I lost track of how long he ravages me until I hear a sound outside.

I am thinking that Noah must be awake. I desperately signal to Frances to stop but not only did he not stop, but he increases his intensity causing me to pant relentlessly.


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