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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 247

My belly is growing bigger, and I can’t conceal my pregnancy at all when I approach twenty weeks.

I’m glad I left Virginia. Otherwise, Frances would have discovered that I’m pregnant, and the baby should be gone by now.

My old phone is in the suitcase. For several times I want to see if Frances has texted me. I want to know if he cares about my departure. Even if he feels just a little bit irritated or angry, that counts.

But in the end, I don’t have the courage to turn on the phone. I’m afraid to hear from him, and I’m even more afraid that he hasn’t texted me at all.

I miss him. I think of him every second, every minute and every night.

However, he is not to be seen on TV in a foreign country. And I don’t dare to read the news online, afraid that it will be all about him and other women.

My inner conflict almost drives me crazy.

One day I take a short trip to the supermarket. When I come back, I find that my parents are delightful.

During these two months, I find that they are good people, who give me family warmth that I haven’t experienced for a long time. Mother’s name is Yvonne Bradley, and she is a very gentle woman. She treats me well with maternal love that I lack.

“Dad, Mom, why are you so happy?” Just as I enter the room, Mom walks over and takes the bag from my hand. She helps me to the table and nags. “Don’t buy so many things if you go to the supermarket alone. What if you’re tired?”

“Okay.” I nod and continue to ask, “What happened? Have you won the lottery? Why are you so happy?”

“No. Someone is coming to see you.” Dad says with a smile.


I think of Frances, my heart pounding.



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