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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 25

What’s going on?

It looks like Steven Song is using me as a shield again. But are these two women are so easy to fool around?

“Steven, before someone in the company sends me a picture that you have a fancy for an ordinary woman. I don't believe it. Now you take her home to live together? Violet is such a perfect match for you to marry and you don’t want her. But how could you like a woman like this, what are you thinking?”

The older woman fumes at Steven Song. She has been looking at the album just now. I wonder what she is looking at. It turn out that she is looking at the picture of Steven Song and me.

Violet, she mentioned just now, is definitely this young woman. I know I am not equal to compare with her, but it goes too far to magnify her by despising me.

“Mom, what are you talking about? I think Jane Noyes is good. She is so clever and tender, she cooks well, and also she looks beautiful.”

Steven Song says and looks at me with satisfaction.

But I am lost in the first word he says and couldn’t get coherent.


This young woman is Steven Song’s mom? God!

I’ve read some information about Steven Song. He's only a year or two older than me. I don't think his mother could give birth to him at 10. I can only say that the rich are just so good at maintaining themselves. She is at least 40 years old, but she looks as old as her son!

Being as a woman, my mother looks like 50s in her 40s and this woman looks like she's in her 30s. That's a big difference.

Then Steven Song’s mom throws a bombshell at me.

“As a shareholder of Song Group, I hereby inform you that you do not need to go to work today. You would better have a clear understanding of yourself if you want to climb up depending on a man!” What this noble and elegant woman says is unpleasant to hear.

Violet stands behind her, with a proud smile on her lips.

“If you fire her, I can only fire the whole company. The weather has started to get cold recently, so there is not much motivation to work. It would be nice to stay in Maldives for three or two months.”


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