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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 251


I don’t want to probe how Frances Louis gets to know I am pregnant and where I am. At this moment, there is only one thought in my mind, that is, I will never allow these people to harm my baby!

Damn Frances Louis. Although it’s my bad to leave without telling him I am pregnant, he is the baby’s father, how can he be so cruel?

It’s wise to choose to leave such a cruel and ruthless man. But what should I do now? I thought I could escape by going so far, but finally it turned out I couldn’t.

The baby. I won’t allow the baby to be in danger!

"If you dare to touch my baby, you will pay the price hundred times!" I stare at the person in front of me and said viciously.

Either way, I will protect my baby. This is my instinctive protection desire as a mother!

"Do you think it is possible to resist now?" The man chuckles.

I know wrestling with them won’t work as figures of these three people in front of me are far more robust than me.

I think a while, “ Where is Frances Louis? I want to see him,” I say in a low voice. “If he dares to hurt my baby, I will kill him!”

I almost say the word through gritting my teeth. If Frances Louis were in front of me now, I would definitely duel him to the death. Even if both sides will lose, I am not afraid.

“Frances Louis won’t see you. He said you and the bastard don’t qualify for seeing him again.”


The word deeply hurts me.

Frances Louis, you are so cruel! I have your baby but you call him bastard? You are a heartless man.

The more I loved him before, the more I hate him now when I hear all of this.

No matter how cruel Frances Louis treats me, how can he treats his own flesh and blood in the same way?


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