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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 283

Only after Frances brings me back to the office, I finally snap out of my shock.

He just tells everyone in the office about our marriage.

This way, in about less than an hour, the whole city will know about it.

I think, there's no difference between this and giving me a death sentence.

“Why did you tell them?” I frown and ask Frances.

“You really don't want others to know about our relationship that much? Or is it just one to two people between them?” he narrows his eyes and smiles while asking me.

But his smile that hides murderous intent scares me more.

This small minded man probably thinks that I'm afraid some guy will know about it.

Anyway, he has always been such a bully and unreasonable.

I really don't want to talk to him anymore.

“I just don't like to show off my private life and let others talk about it. How I live is my own problem, and it has nothing to do with others.” I just say that indifferently before sitting at my work desk.

Then I start to click on web pages out of boredom.

I thought that our conversation will end like that.

Who knows, Frances suddenly says, “if you don't like it, we won't eat at the staff canteen anymore. As for the news, I'll let someone to seal it off.”

I don't know if it's just my misconception, but I somehow feel that he sounds a bit disappointed.

Furthermore, why is Frances going with my wishes so easily?

It's illogical.

When I'm doubting everything, Frances is already in a call.

“Seal off the news of what happened this noon. Just fire anyone that leaks the news.”

He does things swiftly and decisively.

But, isn't it too harsh?

We have been up for about ten minutes... At the level of women gossiping, it's probably already leaked out anyway.

I don't want to let others know, but there's nothing I can do when the news is already out there.


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