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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 302

The person who comes to pick me up is Sabina.

I don't expect her to be here. Frances probably don't tell her anything, but she still knows.

Moreover, based on her usual attitude towards me, it will definitely not be a good thing for her to pick me up.

"Excuse me. I have something to do here. I can't send you back."

Sabina turns around and says politely to the lawyer.

Her attitude towards the lawyer is extremely gentle, completely different from when she faces me.

The lawyer shakes his head and says, "I drove here by myself. You can go first."

I know that Sabina won't be too nice. But escaping cannot solve the problem. I can only get in the car.

Staying in such a depressing car with Sabina, I panic so much that I don't even know how to breathe.

I don't know why I'm so afraid of her, but the sharpness of her aura always makes me timid.

I'm a little scared when the car is going all the way to a remote place.

Looking at her appearance of wanting to kill me at any time, I feel it is possible if she really kills me and drops my corpse here.

After a long time, I finally can't help but ask her.

"Where are you taking me?"

"What? Do you think I'm looking for a secluded place to secretly kill you and dump your corpse?"

Sabina turns to smile coldly at me.

I am surprised that she could see through my thoughts.

It seems that Frances’ gaze is inherited from her.


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