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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 39

People walk out from the company see us, they stop their feet and wonder what is going on.

I stand there, embarrassed.

I lost my job last time because Andrew Malan and Susan Felton came to the company to make trouble. Is it possible that the tragedy will be repeated this time?

It scares me just thinking about it.

Fortunately, Steven Song is quick enough to pull my mother to her feet and says, “Madam, are you sick and your legs are weak? I'll send you home.”

Then, we don’t care whether my mother agrees or not, and drag her straight to the car.

Not only do I successfully solve the crisis, but I also give myself a loving and caring character setting.

“Mom, what do you want?”

I ask her directly.

“Save your brother, I want you to help your brother, I promise, just for the last time. If you save him, I will teach him in the future to make no more mistakes.”

My mother looks at me with sincere eyes, but I couldn't believe a word of it.

She has said it for a thousand times, but every time as long as her son speaks, she would totally forget what she has said.

I have been fooled before. But If I could be fooled by her this time, I would definitely be doomed eternally.

“You can ask others for help. Last time his girlfriend's attitude is so arrogant, she must have a lot of methods, you can go to her for help.”

“Don't mention that woman, if she has not always asked Frank to buy her stuff, nothing would happen. Now Frank is in trouble, and she immediately distances herself from us. This kind of woman would never wish to get married with our family.”

My mother’s attitude is so different from last time I saw her.


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