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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 60

His message is as simple as him.

Only one word


Followed by a question mark.

I could feel the dangerous look in his eyes and the chillness even across the screen.

I am scared and drop my phone.

Frances Louis has twitter?

And he follows me?

I don’t care whether he follows my account or not. How could he see this twitter! Isn’t he drinking? Why is he playing twitter now?

“I am dead! I am so dead!”

I jump out of bed and pace back and forth, wondering how I would explain to him.

My head becomes dizzy and I couldn't figure out a way to explain. Or I can just delete the twitter.

Even if he wants to pick on me, there's no proof, and I can just deny it.

After comforting myself, I lie down again and go to sleep uneasily.

Early next morning, when I hear a knock at the door, I bounce out of bed.

What happened last night keeps playing back in my mind. I feel cold in the back as I thought of Frances Louis's eyes.

I force myself to open the door and meet Frances Louis's cold face.

“I have to go out for two days.”

Then he leaves.

He didn’t ask me about last night?

Feeling relieved, I watch him leave. I wash up happily and prepare to go to the office after eating.

Noah Jefferson calls as soon as I cook well.

“Jane Noyes, tomorrow is the weekend, I have bought the movie tickets in the afternoon at three o’clock, shall me see it together?”

“No. I want to sleep late in the weekend.” I refuse him.

“Don't stay at home all day long. It's good to go out and get some fresh air. At night, there will be a lot of fireworks in the pedestrian street. It's very beautiful.”

I like fireworks best. That fleeting gorgeousness makes me unable to resist.

But I never told anyone that I like fireworks. How did Noah Jefferson know?

But I wouldn't say yes to Noah Jefferson just because of the fireworks.

“Jane Noyes, if I'm putting too much pressure on you, we can start as friends. We can see a movie as friends. You wouldn't turn me down, would you?”

Hearing what he said I would be so ruthless if I say no again.

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I hang up and go to work after breakfast.

“Jane Noyes, I think you'd better stop being my assistant. From now on, you don't have to drive me to work or cook for me.”

Steven Song stares at me and says seriously.

I am stunned and ask him sheepishly, “What happened? Did I do something wrong?”

Or it is because of my relationship with Frances Louis that I can’t work with him. After all, not everyone can accept such a shady relationship.


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