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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 62

As soon as I walk in, I feel urgent to back out.

I thought it would be a dinner party or something with a few people at most.

I didn’t expect to see so many people.

I stand there in a daze and don’t go out for a long time.

Everyone turns their eyes on me, which makes me even more nervous. To put it mildly, I am Frances Louis's mistress, and to attend such an event with him would make me feel embarrassed.

“Don’t be nervous, just stay with me.”

Frances Louis cocks his head and whispers in my ear. He doesn’t even look at me. How does he know I am nervous?

I look down at his coat, which has been pulled out of folds, and sheepishly let go.

Seeing his intimacy with me, everyone shows an ambiguous smile. I keep walking and feel my hands and feet out of place.

I almost walk by the same foot with the hand.

But I find that my nervousness seems unnecessary. No one seems to look at me differently. Yes, I don't have a “mistress” written on my face. I calm down with that thought.

Frances Louis takes two glasses of wine from the waiter and offers me one.

“Don’t drink, just pretend.”

I nod, holding my glass and surveying the scene around me.

It should be the dining room of this hotel, surrounded by a lot of food. So late at night, and these people are eating?

I feel a little strange.

We keep walking forward. When we pass the first man, he toasts to Frances Louis and says, “happy birthday, president Louis.”

Today is Frances Louis's birthday? No wonder these people are still here so late at night.

I turn to look at him, feeling nervous.

Today is my patron’s birthday and I have no idea about it. I am so unqualified to be a mistress, because I don’t know how to please my boss.

“Thanks.” Frances Louis graciously clinks glasses with the man and leads me on.

As we walk toward the center of the crowd, I see a group of girls forming a circle. Inside, there are two men like two moons standing in a circle of stars.

The two men are handsome. One is handsome and a little ruffian, and the other is stylish, I can feel his muscles bouncing even across the shirt.

“Frances, you are finally here. What a birthday party! You're the main character but won't show up until eleven o' clock.” The ruffian man comes out from a crowd of women and complains discontentedly to Frances Louis.

The muscular man also comes and ridicules, “You don’t know. What's the point of having a birthday without a beauty?”

“Maybe this little beauty has sent herself to your bed…”

The ruffian man doesn’t finish his sentence but the crowd begin to laugh.

I am not stupid. Of course, I know what he means. I give him a black look.

There is no expression on Frances Louis’s face. He doesn’t seem to mind their joke.

That crowd of women, seeing Frances Louis, gather around and pounce at him.

“Mr. Louis.”

“Mr. Louis, why you come so late?”

“We haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

These women push desperately towards Frances Louis and easily push me away.


I am hungry, and I can just take this opportunity to eat something.

“Jane Noyes.”


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