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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 64

Hungry for man? No, I don’t!

“No, no, no. I said It was an accident. Frances Louis, let me go!”

I look at my red wrist pinched by him and feel helpless. Frances Louis is a much more possessive man than I thought.

“If you want more people to notice you, just shout loudly.” Says Frances Louis quietly, without turning his head.

Even if I don’t do anything, just standing next to Frances Louis would have attracted enough attention. So, I can only obediently shut the mouth, let him lead me forward.

“Mr. Louis, why are you leaving here so soon? This is a special birthday party for you.” 'says someone.

“Have a good time. I've got some personal matters to deal with.”

That man gives me a deep and meaningful look.

“I understand, take your time.”

Frances Louis leads me all the way into the elevator. As the doors closes, he presses me against the wall and kisses me straight down.

His kisses sweep over me like a storm, encroaching on my sanity.

Suddenly I notice the camera opposite flashing red dots. If others see us kissing like this, I really have no face to see them.


I try hard to extruded this word from my lips.

It takes several seconds for Frances Louis to stop. He turns to the camera coldly and commands, “turn it off now.”

After two seconds, the red spots disappear.

Frances Louis is really a big shot with great power.

“How did you know that someone is peeping through the camera?”

Before I finish, my words are blocked up by Frances Louis’s kisses.

He is a good kisser, and gradually arouses the desire in my heart. I feel my whole body heat up.

The elevator goes all the way down and stops at the third floor.

On entering the room, he throws me on the bed, and presses his great body over me.

“What do you do, Frances Louis? I have an injury on my waist! Injured!”

“Why don't you think you're hurt when you're dancing with another man!” He snorts coldly with his big hands putting on the softness of my chest.

“Isn't he your friend? And we're just dancing. You are being unreasonable!” I say, speechlessly.

A seemingly indifferent man can be so unreasonable.

Although the wound on my waist is no longer painful, but with Frances Louis's strength, I am afraid that my waist will be broken later.

There are fewer clothes on my body, I say sadly.


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