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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 86

She is Frances Louis’s sister.

I saw her once last time with Lawrence Jordan.

She is the same dress as last time, cheongsam with high heels. But she changes another cheongsam.

She really likes cheongsam.

“My sister-in-law, nice to see you!”

She calls me her sister-in-law, which scares me a lot!

Being afraid that others would know of my relationship with Frances Louis, I hastily put my hand over her mouth and pulls her into a corner.

“Please don’t call me that! I am not your sister-in-law. My relationship with Frances Louis can’t be exposed in public.” I tell her.

Actually, I can accept this relationship calmly. But I still feel lost when I mention it to others.

“I say you are my sister-in-law, then you are my sister-in-law.”

She takes my hand to go ahead liberally. She says casually, “Jane, you haven’t had lunch, right? I got something and need your help. Let’s talk about it over lunch.”

In fact, when the front desk found me, I was eating. I put my fork aside and come down hearing someone is looking for me.

She is a rich lady, but not pursuing fancy restaurants blindly. She keeps asking me which restaurant is good nearby.

“Two hundred ahead, there is a tacos van, which tastes very good. It's just that the environment is a little...”


Before I finish, she nods and says, “Yes, yes, I like tacos the most.”

After ordering, she says, “Jane, I know you are a designer. Today I come to see you because I want you to design a pair of rings for me, a unique pair of rings.”

A pair of rings?

I am confused.

“You are with Lawrence Jordan?” I ask.

She purses her lips, “Not yet, but he won’t get away from my hand.”

Seeing her confident expression makes me want to laugh. The girl in front of me looks so full of energy, that's what a young girl should look like.

And my heart has grown old.


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