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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 95

There is a long silence in the air.

Frances Louis looks at me with deep eyes that make me afraid.

It takes him a long time to squeeze several words from his lips.

"Jane Noyes, say it again."

I take a few deep breaths and continue, "You know, Frances Louis, I had no choice but to come to you then. Now Frank Noyes has gone into jail, and there is nothing between you and me anymore. The mistake should be ended earlier. I still have a long way to go, but we are different, we don’t belong to the same world."

"I am sober, and I don’t want to haunt you forever. I know. You've always not been satisfied with me. So, it's time for me to leave."

As soon as I finish talking, Frances Louis presses his body against me.

His breath is fast and short. His eyes are almost on fire.

"You are so desperate to get away from me. Do you want to be together with Noah Jefferson? Believe or not, I could destroy him right now!"

My heart skips a beat.

Frances Louis is crazy!

"It has nothing to do with Noah Jefferson. We made a deal that as long as I accompany you, you can consider helping me solve the problem of Frank Noyes. Now the matter is settled, shouldn't we go our own ways separately?"

I argue with him. I am so angry and I don’t care if I would get him annoyed.

"So, you want to walk your own way with Noah Jefferson?"


Why does he always misunderstand me?

"If I hadn't been in the ward, you would have slept with him!"

The slapping sound rings in the huge room. I look at my numb hands, stunned.

Oh my god! I'm screwed.

I slapped Frances Louis. I will definitely die.

Frances Louis sneers, and his eyes grow colder.

I suddenly think of Andrew Malan. The first time he looked at me like this, the next second, he hit me to death.

Frances Louis is such a proud man. Will he kill me for slapping him?

I am scared.

Why I was so impulsive?


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