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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 76

Jemma grabbed the lyrics that Jane was reading and slowly pulled it over. Only then did Jane notice that Jemma and the others had walked up to her. Jane was practicing. Why did they take away her lyrics? Jane was surprised. Jemma shouted loudly, "Let it go!"

Jane was so scared that she trembled and she released her grip. She then looked at Jemma with some grievances. Why was Jemma so rude to her? Jane had a bad impression of the company, feeling as if she had entered an illegitimate one.

Of course, Jane knew that Joey and the others were nice, but Jemma had a bias against her.

"You overestimate yourself." Jemma said mockingly as she swaggered into a swivel chair. As for Keira and Joyce, one of them sat on the armrest, while the other stood beside Jemma. Both looked at Jane with a faint smile.

Jemma stared at Jane with a sneer, "Rookie, since you've joined the Dreamgirls, you have to abide by our rules. From now on, we will be your senior sisters. I am senior to all of you. Keira is the second senior sister, and Joyce is the third one. Abby is the fourth one, while you are junior to us. Call us senior sisters."

"Sister Jemma, Sister Keira, and Sister Joyce." Although Jane knew that they were deliberately teasing her, she did as they asked. Jane looked at Abby, who was playing with the guitar, and said, "Sister Abby."

"No need. There are no such rules," Abby said indifferently.

Jemma glanced at Abby. She was quite pleased with herself, for Jane listened to her. Keira, Joyce, and Jemma all laughed, feeling that they were now superior to Jane.

Jane ignored their mockery. What she cared about the most now was how to improve her performance in variety shows. She wanted to go to practice.

"Hey, rookie, did we let you go?" Jemma said discontentedly. She was beautiful. But now she looked like an annoying playgirl on the street.

"What else?" Jane was unhappy. She had introduced herself. They kept calling her rookie and did not respect her at all.

"Don't you see that the practice room is in a mess? Every new member needs to clean it up. Now you should start cleaning. Remember to tidy up the things on the table and clean the floor." Jemma ordered arrogantly.

Abby stopped playing the guitar and sighed. She watched Jane clean as Jemma asked. She shook her head and continued to play the guitar.

Jane threw the dirty things on the table on the ground and cleaned the floor with a broom. Now she started to wipe the floor with a mop. She was very skilled at doing these things. Before she went to college, she often helped her mother do chores at home. She liked to do it.

In a short while, Jane tidied the room up. Joyce and Keira walked towards the door, leaving behind two rows of dirty footprints on the ground that had just been cleaned.

Jane glanced at them with slight dissatisfaction. They walked out laughing and talking. Jane did not say anything and wiped away the footprints left behind by them.

After she moped the floor, she was about to put the mop away when Keira and Joyce came in with a few bags of snacks.

Jane smiled and reminded them, "Wait. It's so hot. The ground will dry in five minutes."

Keira casually responded to Jane, "We are in a hurry to enjoy snacks." Then she walked into the practice room with Joyce, leaving behind two rows of footprints.

Jane glanced angrily at the back of them, and then wiped away their footprints with a mop.

Jane said to Jemma and the other two, "Don't move. The ground will dry in five or six minutes. If you track mud on the floor again, I won't...." Jane knew that they had prejudices against her.

Before Jane could finish, Jemma smiled at her as she slowly poured the chips in her hands on the floor. Chips were scattered on the ground, causing a mess.

"Sorry, rookie, clean up this place again," Jemma said with a smile.

No matter how good-tempered Jane was, she couldn't help but look at Jemma angrily. She didn't say anything and walked out the door with a mop.

"Stop!" Jemma shouted in dissatisfaction. In the empty practice room, it was extremely ear-splitting.

Jane did not freeze.

"Don't you listen to me? “The sound of hurried footsteps came from behind Jane. Jane turned around and her neck was grabbed.

"What a bitch." Jemma grabbed Jane's neck and pushed her to the wall. "How dare you be rude to me? You are just a bumpkin. Do you want to die?"

Keira sneered and said, "Slut, you don't deserve to be part of our team. You should know your place."

"I feel so disgusted when I see you pretend to be pitiful in front of Ms. Joey. Do you want to be the leader and the lead vocal?" Joyce said mockingly.

Jane looked at them in fear.

"Look at this little bitch. She is so frightened. I thought she was awesome." Jemma sneered. She fiercely pulled Jane, and Jane staggered. "Sweep the floor!"

Jane was angry and scared. She held the broom and prepared to clean it up.

Chapter 76: Disputes in the Practice Room 1

Chapter 76: Disputes in the Practice Room 2


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