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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 80

That day, Jane cried for three hours. When Jane calmed down, Quincy asked Fred to arrange a funeral for Hannah.

Fred cremated Hannah's body and placed her ashes in a cemetery in JM City. On the day when the ashes would be buried, Quincy went to the tomb with Jane. Looking at Hannah's tombstone, Jane cried for a long time.

In the past 5 days after Hannah's death, Jane had been in a bad mood. She didn't go to school, nor did she go to the Gem Music Inc to take training classes.

Quincy was anxious, but he could do nothing. If Jane did not cheer herself up, it would be useless for anyone to say anything.

On this day, Quincy woke up early. He went to buy soybean milk and fried dough sticks, and then returned to his villa. In the past few days, Jane didn't eat anything except a few bites at night. However, today, Jane ate up all the soybean milk and two fried dough sticks. This surprised Quincy a lot.

Jane dressed up in the bathroom for the first time in these few days. After walking out, she said to Quincy, "Take me to the company."

During these few days of silence, Jane thought a lot.

She thought that if Hannah saw her now, what kind of reaction would she have? She would definitely be very sad and blamed herself. This was not what Hannah wanted to see.

Jane felt heartbroken. She told herself that she had to get it through as soon as possible and tell Hannah that she could live a good life without her. Only in this way would Hannah rest in peace.

"Okay." Quincy agreed in surprise. As long as Jane was willing to accept the reality of Hannah's death, she would quickly recover.

Quincy stopped a taxi and came to Gem Music Inc with Jane.

Outside the company, there were luxury cars, including BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz. Each was worth at least 600,000.

A man and a woman alighted from a Porsche. The man seemed to be a hip-hop singer. He wore earrings and a big chain. The woman was Jane's teammate, Jemma. Keira and Joyce also arrived and walked up to Jemma.

"Is he Jane's boyfriend? Look at his clothes. No wonder he had his eye on Jane. Neither do they have taste."

"They come here by taxi. Am I wrong? Look at him. He's already 20 years old. Hasn't he even got a car yet?"

"Jane introduced herself that she came from a remote villa in the Northeast. Her tuition fees were saved by her mother. It is a luxury for her to take a taxi. She will be dreaming if she wants to buy a car."

Jemma and the others looked at Jane and smiled proudly. Jane stood there, fixing her eyes at them coldly.

Quincy guessed that they were the ones who beat Jane last time. He wanted to rush over and beat them up. However, he could see through Jane. After all, they were a team. Jane definitely did not want to deteriorate their relationship. Moreover, Jane had just calmed down. Quincy did not want to cause any more trouble, so he endured his anger.

In any case, there were plenty of opportunities, so there was no need to be reckless at this moment.

Jemma and the others walked into the company pompously.

Another Mercedes-Benz stopped on one side of the road. Quincy saw a short-haired girl walk out of the car. It was Abby who she saw in the practice room last time.

Abby saw Jane and Quincy walking over.

"Hello!" Abby looked at Jane with a trace of concern. "Let's go in together."

After that, Jane said goodbye to Quincy and walked towards the door with Abby.

Quincy stood where he was. Just now, he caught a trace of dissatisfaction and contempt from Abby's gaze at him. Telling from the way she looked at Jane, she might think Quincy was not worthy of Jane.

Quincy knew that Abby consumed that he did not have the ability to protect Jane, which was why she looked down on him like this. Quincy couldn't help but feel bitter.

He took a taxi back to school.

Along the way, he had been pondering if he should make some changes for Jane. At the very least, he should hold Jemma and the others in owe and tell them that he was not a loser as they imagined. In fact, he was much richer than their boyfriends.

Although Quincy and Jane didn't like to show off, Quincy was willing to do so as long as it could protect Jane.

'They laughed at me for not having a car and mocked Jane for taking a taxi. Then I'll show them whether Jane deserves a luxury car or not, and that what kind of luxury car she takes.'

More than a month ago, Quincy ordered a top-grade luxury exclusive Ferrari from JM City Auto Show Center.

Quincy didn't know why the Ferrari he ordered had not arrived yet. He was going to make a phone call and ask.

Two young beauties were strolling around the campus of JM University.


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