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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 78

Quincy drove the Audi at 120 mph on the streets under the night sky of JM City.

He kept overtaking!

The car sped up.

One vehicle!

Another one!

Some of the drivers beside Quincy were frightened, and some were stunned. Most of the others pointed at Quincy's taillights and scolded him for driving at a breakneck speed!

Quincy ignored the red light. At an intersection, a man riding an electric bicycle turned into a green belt to avoid Quincy. He was pricked by the Sabina vulgaris. When he wanted to stop Quincy, Quincy had been a hundred meters away.

Along the way, Quincy drove at top speed. He arrived at the People's Hospital in 20 minutes even though it was a 40-minute drive.

"Sir, how many red lights have you run? My driving license will be revoked."

The driver said pitifully to Quincy. When Quincy drove the car at top speed, the driver's heart had been in his mouth. At that time, he regretted allowing Quincy to drive his car for 10,000. This was not a matter of money, but a matter of life. When the driver thought about it, he was afraid.

Quincy ignored the driver. He immediately got off the car and opened the back door to help Jane out.

"Don't worry. Your driving license will be fine." Since Quincy drove his car, Quincy wouldn't let him suffer a loss. He would solve the driver's problem. After that, Quincy supported Jane and quickly walked into the hospital.

When Quincy arrived at the ICU, Fred had been waiting outside the ward. When he saw Quincy, he immediately walked over.

"Mr. Quincy, Miss Jane." Fred would not address Quincy as "young master" when there were outsiders.

"How's the situation?" Quincy asked with a frown. Jane had reed herself from his arms and rushed to the door of the ICU. She looked inside worriedly through the glass window.

In the ward, several doctors dressed in white coats surrounded Hannah on the bed. They looked at the numbers on the instruments beside them from time to time, and a few auxiliary nurses wiped their sweat....

"Lady, don't look around!" The director of the People's Hospital walked over from the side. Noticing Jane was looking inside, he immediately said.

The patient in the ICU was sent by Fred. The director did not dare to trifle with her at all. As soon as Fred came, the director immediately arranged for the ICU without going through any procedures. He asked the most capable doctor in the hospital to come over from home to treat the patient.

"The one in the ward is Miss Jane's mother." Fred frowned and said to the director.

Telling from Fred's expression, the director was surprised to know that Jane was someone Fred valued a lot.

"Sorry for offending you." The director hurriedly apologized to Jane. Jane paid no heed to anything. She only had her mother in her mind.

Fred said he didn't know the specific situation of Hannah. Quincy walked up to Jane. Hugging Jane's shoulder, he looked at the ward with her. Jane did not say anything, but Quincy could feel her body trembling slightly.

More than an hour later, doctors finished their treatment and walked out of the ICU.

"Dr. Morse, how is my mother? How is my mother?" Jane pulled the attending doctor, Morse Farley, and asked anxiously.

Morse deliberately glanced at Fred. After receiving Fred's permissive gaze, he truthfully explained Hannah's condition to Jane.

"The patient's condition is complicated. Right now, we have only temporarily stabilized her condition. We still need to consult with our colleagues to conclude what exactly the situation is...."

Hearing Morse's explanation, Jane was stunned, feeling limp. If Quincy hadn't hugged her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Quincy frowned and comforted Jane, "Don't be afraid. The doctor said that your mom was out of danger now. Trust me. She will definitely be fine...."

"I want to see her." Jane refused to hear anything. She was extremely insecure and was about to charge into the ICU.

The doctor stopped Jane and said, "Miss, please calm down. The patient is very weak right now. Her body is full of professional equipment and she needs to rest. We have anesthetized the patient. Even if you go in, you can't do anything...."

Quincy frowned and advised, "Listen to the doctor. If you go in, it may be bad for your mom's health condition...." Seeing Jane behave like this, Quincy was extremely worried about her. "The nurses in the ward will take care of Hannah. Don't worry, she will be fine..."

Under Quincy's gentle persuasion, Jane no longer insisted on going to the ward to see Hannah, but she still rested on the glass of the ward and watched.

Quincy looked at Fred and said, "Find all the famous doctors in JM City and Shanghai immediately. If they can't cure Hannah, they will be fired!"

"Yes, I'll do it right now." Fred said in horror. He had never seen Quincy so anxious. After that, he went to arrange it.

The director and doctors at the side were all surprised. Quincy, who looked like an ordinary student, shouted at Fred. Moreover, Fred was so obedient, which shocked them a lot.

Jane rest quietly on the glass window for more than three hours. Quincy kept her company for such a long time. Fred told Quincy that doctors from famous hospitals in East China were rushing here. The First Hospital had urgently convened a consultation to discuss Hannah's illness nervously.

"Take a rest." Quincy supported Jane's shoulders and slowly sat on the chairs on both sides of the corridor. Jane was bending, resting her elbows against her legs. Her hands were on his forehead. She was still deeply worried about her mother's illness.

Chapter 78: Critically Ill 1


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