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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 79

"Mom...." Looking at her mother's face, Jane wanted to cry. Tears immediately filled her eyes.

"Don't cry, Jane." Hannah smiled faintly. She wanted to lift her hand to wipe away Jane's tears, but Jane grabbed her hand.

"Mom, don't move!" Jane knew that it was very difficult for her mother to move. "How do you feel? Are you uncomfortable?"

As Jane thought of the pain her mother was enduring, it wrung her heart.

Hannah shook her head slightly. She felt very gratified. "It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all...."

"Quincy, you will take good care of Jane, right?" Hannah's gaze slowly turned to Quincy. From the first day she saw Quincy, she could feel Quincy's deep love for Jane.

"Mom...." Jane could tell this was Hannah's last words.

"Yes, Hannah, I will take good care of Jane." Quincy stared at Hannah's eyes and said seriously.

"Good, good...." Hannah nodded with satisfaction. In an instant, she felt much relieved. In her eyes, Quincy was no longer an outsider.

"Jane, I have something to tell you right now." Hannah looked at Jane with somewhat dull eyes.

Jane held Hannah's hand tightly, her tearful eyes being filled with tenderness.

"Actually ... I'm not your biological mother." Hannah looked at Jane and said softly. This was a secret that had been hidden for 20 years.

Hearing what Hannah said, Jane, who was overwhelmed by sadness, couldn't help but be slightly stunned. "Mom...."

"I plan to hide this secret for the rest of my life. I've been lying to you. You deserve to know the truth." Hannah's eyes gradually became wet.

"No ... Mom..." Jane murmured in a daze.

Jane remembered she had been living with Hannah. Hannah suddenly said that she was not Jane's biological mother. How could Jane accept it?

Quincy was also shocked when he heard Hannah's secret. He subconsciously compared Jane's and Hannah's appearances and discovered that they did not resemble each other.

"Silly girl, you are so kind. Just like your mother. This is not good." Jane was delicate and tender, and Hannah felt like she saw Jane's mother. It pulled at Hannah's heartstrings. Tears immediately rolled down her eyes.

Hearing Hannah kept mentioning Jane's biological mother, Jane became anxious. She looked at Hannah and stubbornly said, "No, mom, you're my mom...."

"Good girl, I don't deserve to be your mother. Your mother is a dignified and elegant young lady. I'm just her maid," Hannah said gently.

Jane kept shaking her head slowly.

"After your mother's family found that she gave birth to you, they put her under house arrest and forbade her from leaving the house. They even injected your mother and me with a kind of poison in order to prevent us from escaping. Only by constantly taking the medicine they gave us could we survive. My illness is caused by that poison. Do you remember when we were in our hometown, I used to go up the mountain to look for herbs every day? The medicine was meant to alleviate the illness. I didn't expect that things would still happen.... "

"Mom, stop talking...." Jane subconsciously began to accept that Hannah was not her mother.

Hannah said softly, "Let me finish. I’m afraid I won’t be able to say these again. Originally, your mother had a normal life. She only wanted to bring you up safely. But not long after, I accidentally heard that her family was finding an opportunity to kill you. You were barely a month old then...."

"I immediately told your mother this news. She was extremely disappointed in her family. She knew that if she stayed at home, there would definitely be a chance for her family to make a move. So that night, your mother and I knocked out our caretaker and secretly ran out of the house with you...."

"Although we were careful, our plan was found out. We were cornered in a cliff. They drove and surrounded us. At that time, your mother planned to go back with them first and waited for an opportunity to escape. But the person in charge wanted to kill your mother. She realized that something was wrong, but it was too late. They had pointed their guns at us...."

Jane couldn't help but let out a cry, and Quincy's eyes were full of worry.

"They revealed a triumphant smile. When they pulled the trigger, your mother suddenly hugged me and jumped off the cliff. In the air, I was terrified. Apart from the howling wind, I suddenly heard her say to me, 'Hannah, please take care of my child.' Before I figured out what was happening, I saw your mother smiling at me bitterly when I opened my eyes. Then, she exerted her strength and turned beneath me. By the time I realized her intentions, we had landed on the ground...."

"She saved me.... I didn't deserve it...." Hannah cried. Jane was absent-minded for a moment, as if she had also seen that miserable scene.

Hannah coughed violently.

"Mom, put it on..." Jane came back to her senses, wanting to help Hannah put on the oxygen mask.

Chapter 79: From Now On, She Was an Orphan 1

Chapter 79: From Now On, She Was an Orphan 2


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