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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 34

“Is he a human?” the Lieutenant General said unconsciously after a while.

On the screen, Frank's body was moving, but all those who saw this scene did not laugh, but were shocked.

Jet plane was not the ancient propeller plane of modern times, of which the lowest speed was 500 kilometers per hour. Hitting birds would cause serious consequences, but Frank was lying on the plane without falling down and was moving. It was subverting the three views.

Gary who knew very deeply to Frank was also astonished. He knew well about the intrepidity of Frank, but he did not expect Frank was intrepid to this degree.

"I must hire him." The Lieutenant General made up his mind again.

Not only for Frank, but also for the inhuman presentation of Frank.

Frank must have mastered the method that others did not know, since it cannot be simply trained.

When the Lieutenant General and Gary were astonished, seven or eight people sat together in a small town hotel about 300 kilometers away from Jiangzhou. There was a laptop on the coffee table in the center of them. The screen appeared the picture that the Lieutenant General and Gary saw.

"Frank was the commander of the Dragon Lord Mercenary Regiment. After the dissolution of the Dragon Lord Mercenary Regiment, he disappeared. Unexpectedly he appeared in H Country and went against our target.” Someone whispered.

If Gary was here, he must be surprised that these people managed to find out the true identity of Frank in such a short time.

"Evaluate it, can Number Two get the job done?" asked someone coldly.

"It is difficult." Someone whispered, "With the strength he shows, it would be easy to break the glass of flight compartment. Number Two is no match for him."

"To give up?” A deep voice boomed out again.

"We've been preparing for so long." The message was clear that they won’t give up.

"We can't reach Number Two at the moment, so hopefully Number Three can make the right choice." Someone said quietly.

They looked at each other, without speaking anymore. A minute later, the people sat in the middle said in a hoarse voice, “We cannot have too much hope for Number Three. Notify Number Four, Number Five and Number Six that they can delay the action if Number Two and Number Three got failure. There will a school opening ceremony in 21 days. It must be succeed.”

"Yes." There was an immediate answer.

The commander closed his notebook and whispered, "Go about your business. I'll report back to head Office."

People went out of the room. They did not pay attention to the things on the plane now. I would be better to get succeed, but if was not, the leaders would make a plan. They were only in charge of operations, not a cleaning team.

The same video footage appeared in one of H Country's most powerful centers - the Military Command.

In the conference room, on a wall-sized screen, you can clearly see the pain on Frank's face and the high bulging muscles of his arms.

"Gentlemen, according to our observation, he is at least seven or eight times more physically fit than the average man. By the speed of his reflexes when he leaves the hatch, he has already surpassed the fastest animal in the world."

A man wearing a white coat and a senior colonel's rank in military uniform was not shy among the generals. "According to our speculation, as long as there are no accidents, this hijacking incident can be perfectly solved," he said.

Even without his reminder, all people presented had noticed that.

But they care more about what Frank showed.


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