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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 35

All of a sudden, the airline stewardess cheered up and received many confused eyes from passengers. However, the crisis was over and they would not tell the truth to the public at all. On the one hand, they would avoid causing a disturbance; on the other hand, Frank was reluctant to expose himself to public scrutiny.

In the pilot’s compartment, against the strong wind pressure, Frank recovered his flight posture with a pale face, and every movement had to use all his strength. However, in his heart, he was glad that the large aircraft made in H Country was reliable, and there was no malfunction of the instrument, otherwise it would be difficult to save him.

The crisis was lifted. Frank made contact with the ground tower through the liaison, and suddenly the same cheers were heard in the liaison. An unknown crisis was thus resolved.

Following the aftermath, Frank believed Gary would do a good job.

Actual situation as Frank expected, when the plane landed smoothly to Pecking airport, the passengers on the plane could talk about it with friends with all versions, but no one knew what had happened. They only knew that they met a captain has a good sense of humor, and the handsome soldier.

They had no idea that they had come from the brink of death.

It was a relief to Charlotte as she stepped out of the plane and really stepped on solid ground.

With her eyes all around, Charlotte walked directly towards the flight compartment. There were too many doubts in her mind.

However, she was stopped by a broker beside her just a few steps away. When she finally left the airport, she looked back and saw Frank and Izabella walking off the plane together.

And in the vacant land next to the plane, a military vehicle was eye-catching. In front of the military vehicle, Charlotte saw a familiar figure, who talked to Frank before the plane was taken off.

"There must be something going on here." Charlotte thought.

Frank acutely felt that someone was watching him and found the back of Charlotte.

"Well done, Frank!"

Gary gave Frank a hug. Frank's handling was the best solution, no one can do better than Frank. An event which would let H Country lose face in the international community was settled. Gary admired him a lot.

As it turned out that Frank would always be admired by people.

"The military has prepared a celebration banquet for you. General Guo will be there." After letting go of Frank, Gary said with a smile, with his voice full of pride.

But Frank frowned.

Gary was anxious, but still whispered, “Frank, don't blame me being talkative. If you only stay in H Country for a few days, you cannot go, but if you plan to develop in H Country, you had better meet him."

Frank, with his face darkened, and glanced at the curious Izabella.

Gary understood instantly and gave a smile. He said to Izabella, “I don’t know Frank has a fairy sister. Later you also are my sister. If you encountered problems in Pecking, you can come to me.”

Izabella squinted and said, “Cheap Ghost, thanks for that"

Cheap Ghost?

The smile on Gary's face froze momentarily. He looked at Frank, who was indifferent, and said, "Frank, I want to kill you."

"Come on." Frank didn't care.


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