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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 6

"Cecilia, what's the matter? Is it about Frank? Is he beaten?" Seeing her sister's face changed drastically, Cindy smiled and leaned forward. She couldn't wait to see Frank being beaten.

"This toad still wanted to marry my sister? I have to teach you a lesson," thought Cindy."

"No." Cecilia frowned. Now she was no longer concerned about how Frank got the money from Flying-dragon Group, but her promise.

Did she really have to marry a jerk?

"What's going on?" Seeing that her sister looked wrong, Cindy took her phone quickly. When she saw the transfer information on the mobile phone, her face changed instantly. One hundred and fifty million... Transferred from Flying-dragon Group?

Did he really get the money back?

How could this be!

Cindy couldn't believe it.

"Cecilia, that guy must be lucky. Flying-dragon Group may be preparing to pay back the money. He is lucky. Or, or the Flying-dragon Group just made a mistake. Anyway, he is absolutely impossible to do it. Don't think too much about it," Cindy said anxiously.

Cindy knew her sister. Cecilia would done what she said since she was a child. Now that Frank got the money, was she really about to marry that rascal?

"Cindy, don't you know the Flying-dragon Group, do you believe what you said just now?" Cecilia sighed and asked lightly.

Cindy was speechless for an instant. Flying-dragon Group was like brave troops. How could it be possible to repay the money after it gained? It was even more nonsense for it to transfer money to a wrong account.

"Forget it."

A strange color flashed in Cecilia's eyes. Frank was able to get the money from Flying-dragon Group in less than an hour and it was 50 million more. Maybe he was as not useless as they thought.

"No, how can I forget it!" Cindy became even more anxious when she heard her sister meant to compromise. "Cecilia, you can't make a decision easily. That guy must have used shameless methods. By the way, it must be his money, maybe...maybe..."

Cindy couldn't continue. If Frank had so much money, why would he wear in tatters.

"Cindy." Cecilia smiled and touched Cindy, who was already anxious, with red eyes, and said lightly, "I had promised him to marry him if he got the money back, but I didn't promise when to marry him. Yeah."

Cindy's eyes became bright, "You mean..."

"That's what you think." Cecilia smiled gracefully, "Since he is my fiancé, he must take the responsibility of the fiancé."

Since before the information she found was wrong, so she had to see how many things this Frank had hidden. She believed that no one could hid from her.

Cindy finally smiled and gave Cecilia a thumbs up, knowing that her sister would not give up so easily.

The harsh bell rang, Cecilia looked at the phone number and connected quickly.

"Is that Ms. Chu? Come to the company quickly. Our laboratory was stolen. Mr. Wong, Mr. Wong was stabbed many times by criminals to protect the data!"

An urgent voice came from the microphone, and Cecilia stood up abruptly. Her face was pale.

Fate of Beauty was the latest product developed by Fallen-city Corporate. Its theoretical effect was several times better than the best skin care products on the market. Fallen-city Corporate had invested its profit of over the years into the research and development. It was about to get succeed. Fallen-city Corporate could also get into another level with Fate of Beauty. Cecilia didn't expect that there was a problem at the critical point, so she was not worried.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Cindy asked anxiously.

Cecilia put away her phone and ran towards the door with her bag. While changing her shoes, she explained, "There is something wrong with the company, I'll check it out."

Before Cindy had time to ask what to do when Frank came back, the roar of the car had already sounded outside the door, and it went away quickly.

"What’s lousy luck! Frank is a disaster!" Cindy looked depressed, and blamed Frank for everything.

Frank, who was walking on the road, sneezed severely, rubbed his nose, and then looked around.


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