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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 7


George said again, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

"Noisy." Frank snorted coldly, stood up, then grabbed George's collar and waved his hand. George flew up like a plastic man and flew out from the door.

There was a shock outside the door. The living room was quiet.

George's two companions faced Frank's gaze, swallowed their saliva, and then withdrew slightly.

But they didn't escape in the end, and Frank threw them all out one by one.

Cindy watched Frank clapping his hands blankly. She gulped several mouthfuls of saliva. She was frightened.

George and the other two men were discharged from the special forces. Her father spent a large amount of money hiring them. She got in troubles sometimes. Every time they solved it easily.

"I'm tired, have you made a decision?" Frank yawned. He just finished a mission before and got on the plane before he had time to rest. Now he was very tired.

Cindy's mouth twitched, and she chose not to confront Frank at this time. She let someone take Frank to rest.

Outside the villa, George and the other two men looked at each other, and one of them whispered, "George, what should we do?"

As bodyguards, they were thrown out without any resistance. How could they explain to Cindy, how could them keep working here?

"You go down first."

George said to them helplessly. After Jay Fisher left the villa living room, he thought for a moment, and walked into the living room.

"What's up?" Frank made Cindy so angry just now that she was rude.

George smiled bitterly, "Miss Cindy, it's not that we are too weak, but he is too strong."

Not to mention it was okay. When Cindy heard it, she was angrier. "My father pays you a lot of money to let you protect me. Is what you did before for protection? "

Cindy glanced at George coldly. She could not say anything too much. Therefore, she could only express her attitude like this.

George smiled bitterly again, "Miss Cindy, I am not shirking responsibility. In fact, we are not his opponent at all. You should know Top soldier, right."

Top soldier?

Cindy's heart moved, and then she felt a little funny and a little angry. "You wouldn't say that Frank has the strength of Top soldier, right."

Top soldier, known as the god of death in the army, was the highest honor for special forces. Those who got this title must at least had killed three hundred people, and half of them must be obtained by fighting with cold weapons.

It could be said that every Top soldier was a cruel killing machine, and its strength was beyond doubt.

"No." George shook his head solemnly, looked directly at Cindy's eyes, and said seriously, "He is stronger than Top soldier!"

"Impossible!" Cindy retorted flatly. There were nearly two million soldiers and only less than ten soldiers who have won the title of Top soldier in H Country, and there were only more than 20 Top soldier in the world.

Even if the information about Frank they investigated was wrong, it was absolutely impossible to be so different.

"Miss Cindy." George had a deep vision and said faintly, "We have been together for nearly three years. When did I lie to you? My former squad leader was a Top soldier. I could fight him for 30 seconds, but I couldn’t resist Frank for even a second...No, I don’t have the power to fight back at all."


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