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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 2


This is the moment when Alpha Xavier will reject me. My eyes are shut, and I’m shaking in my seat while waiting for him to say the words that will destroy the mate bond. What is taking him so long?

I tip up my chin and look at him. He frowns at me as his emotional—yes, emotional—emerald green eyes flash over my face, lingering on my black hair, taking in my cheap cardigan, and then landing on my dirty jeans. A storm brews on his face. Is he mad that I’m not as properly dressed as him?

“Daisy Andersson?”

I squint at him. “Huh?”

“Your name.”

“Oh...yes...that’s me...”

I blush because who wouldn’t be nervous under the intense stare of his eyes? I find Alpha Xavier scarier when he is calm.

“Are you certain? It took you some time to answer.”

Wait, what?!

Did he just call me stupid without calling me stupid? Anger pulsates under my skin. I have a strong urge to give Alpha Asshole a taste of his own medicine, but by some miracle, I manage to stay calm.

A smile curls my lips. “My name is Daisy Andersson. You’re not mistaken.”

His lips twitch, and I get the feeling he knows he has managed to get under my skin—those eyes of his study mine in silence, but I can tell he is amused. And it doesn’t take long before he opens his stupidly sexy mouth yet again.

“And are you quite well?” he intones as if he believes the opposite.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’re still sitting in my seat—I booked two of them for the extra legroom,” he gestures at his long legs, and I gulp. His thighs are thick, which means his ass must be absolutely glorious—

I mentally slap myself. You hate this man, remember? Focus.

“Like I said, your father offered me this seat, and I’m quite comfortable. So, guess what? I’m not leaving.”

His nostrils flare, but the plane is already lifting, so he keeps his mouth shut. How lovely. I lean back in my seat, cross one leg over the other, and smile brilliantly.

Alpha Xavier’s face turns a shade darker when he sees me relaxing. “For fuck’s sake. I’m stuck sitting beside a lunatic...”

“Trust me, sitting beside a grumpy Alpha isn’t much better.”

He flinches, and I realize my mistake: I spoke without a filter. But, eh, who cares? I’m in first class, and the drinks are free. As soon as we are in the air, I lift my hand when the first flight attendant passes us.

“Excuse me?”

Her kind eyes dart to mine. “Yes?”

“Could I please have a bottle of your finest wine and a bag of chips? No, scratch that. Give me three bags of chips and a glass of your finest wine, and then, for grumpy over here, I would like a scotch.”

“Right away, ma’am!”

A satisfied grin spreads over my lips. Alpha Xavier is gawking at me like I’ve grown three heads. Good. I prefer it when he is quiet. He is very pretty to look at, and he smells like expensive cologne and fine wool. But his mouth? That we could do without.

“Are the Omegas usually this outgoing in your pack?” he finally asks, and I swear there is fear in his eyes when he speaks.

“Only the best ones,” I wag my eyebrows at him. Normally, I would never be this wild and crazy, but my sisters aren’t here, so I’m letting the true Daisy come out.

“You have more than one Omega?”

“No, just me, but if there were more Omegas, I would still be the best one.”

“You’re crazier than I thought,” he mutters as he leans back to scroll on his phone.

If he thinks I’m crazy, why hasn’t he rejected me yet? I don’t dare to ask him that, afraid he might do it. Instead, I decide to piss him off. It could make time fly up here in the sky. What’s the harm? It’s not like I will see Alpha Xavier ever again.

My mother booked me a ticket so I could clean our rooms and be a personal assistant if my sisters bought new clothes. But I’m not even invited to the wedding. I will enjoy the hotel until the trip ends and then return to my pack.

Messing with Xavier poses no real harm.

An evil smile curls my lips. “And you’re more gorgeous than I thought you would be. Brighter than the sun.”

His head jerks in my direction. “Excuse me?”

“Oh, don’t be shy,” I wink at him. “I bet women drop like flies by your feet—that’s how hot you are.”


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