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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 3


I’m close to passing out. He can’t be serious, can he? I’m confident Alpha Xavier doesn’t want to have sex with me. But there’s something in his eyes—something rough and challenging—that tells me he isn’t joking around.

But I’m not weak enough to have sex with him. I don’t care how hot he is. Alpha Xavier is my sister’s fiance, for fuck’s sake! The kiss we shared? That was just a moment of weakness because he is my fated mate. This? This is taking it too far, and the punishment would be too grave.

“No way,” I refuse, crossing my arms over my chest in a ridiculous attempt to stare him down.

Alpha Xavier looks amused by this. He raises an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. “No?”

Goosebumps prickle over my arms and back when he walks towards me, backing me into the plush wall of the private cabin. His sharp and woodsy scent fills the room, making my heart hammer even harder.

“You wanted to play this game,” he purrs as he towers over me. “Then play.”

I set my jaw, refusing to back down from his challenging gaze. “You first.”

He laughs outright at that, throwing his head back as if amused by my defiance. Slowly but deliberately, he unfastens the buckle at his waist and lets his pants drop to the floor.

Now, it’s my turn to choke on whatever I was about to say.

Damn, those boxers are tight! Shit. Don’t stare at his junk, Daisy. It’s rude.

Instead, I gawk at it.

It’s just so…big.


He pulls down his boxers all the way, and that’s the moment I lose the game.

Oh my god.

I can’t help but stare at it, watching for any movement. The long, meaty python has me daydreaming about a possible scenario where I could get down on my knees and give it all the attention it deserves. I’ve never encountered such a large and attractive member before—I’m still a virgin—but I’m confident that I could handle it with expertise if given the chance.


My eyes widen, and I force them up to meet Alpha Xavier’s gaze again. But where I expect to see smugness, there’s only a hard glint of determination.

“Your turn,” he rumbles.

This time, I don’t refuse. If Alpha Xavier wants a show, then that’s exactly what I will give him.

With a deep breath of courage, I take off my cardigan but leave my bra on. “There!”

His lips twitch into an intrigued smile as he steps back, finally granting me some space. Is he disappointed? I’m unsure what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t me. I must be laughable to look at compared to my sister.

But Alpha Xavier doesn’t laugh. His eyes meet mine before he strides forward and drops to his knees. Suddenly, I feel his hands on the zipper of my jeans. He pulls it down, and I hold my breath as he tugs them down.

“Cute panties,” he points out as he looks up at me.

My face burns. I suddenly don’t feel as confident as I did earlier when I was provoking him. Alpha Xavier seems to have realized this, too. There is satisfaction in his eyes, yet he doesn’t stop whatever he is doing.

Instead, he leans in, pressing his nose against my panties to inhale my scent. Part of me is concerned—I’ve worn these underwear all day. Isn’t he disgusted?

The answer must be no because Alpha Xavier licks my wetness through my panties. Licking and keeping his tongue in the same area until I can’t tell if it’s his saliva or my arousal wetting the fabric.

I shouldn’t enjoy this, damn it. Yet my legs shiver beneath his touch, and my hands reach out to grip his hair, my fingers sinking in. His eyes are on mine as he continues. I suck in a deep breath, and his response is a dark glint in his eyes that tells me he is in control.

I like that a lot.

My arousal skyrockets, and my knees almost buckle under their own weight, but Alpha Xavier’s large hand is on my butt to keep me steady.

His eyes, framed by a million lashes, meet mine. “I’ve never seen a woman this wet before, and I haven’t even touched your skin yet.”


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