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Matter of Love novel Chapter 20

Greg was about to go back to the company with his secretary. He hadn't been back for a long time and there must be a lot of documents piled up in the company waiting for his review. He was not a person who slowed his work. All of a sudden, he saw that York, in a suit, ran to Leona's side, and held two tickets in his hands suspiciously.

As an insensitive person, Greg knew exactly what they were going to do. They were actually going to elope. Greg still remembered that York was the guy who saved Leona last time in the bar.

After that, Greg asked his assistant to investigate the boy's background and knew that he was the successor of the Zhao Company. From the flustered look of the two, they must have carried it on their back. Then Greg turned to his secretary and asked, "is there anything urgent in Zhao Company today?"

The Secretary didn't understand Greg at the moment and said, "Boss, do you refer to the Zhao Company? We don't have any business with them!"

"I'm asking if Zhao Company is going to have a banquet today." Greg said impatiently.

"Oh, yes, the Zhao Company..." The Secretary tried hard to think about the news about the Zhao Company today. He remembered that there was a dinner party in the Zhao family today, and they also sent an invitation card to the Wei International Trade Company.

"There will be a dinner party in the Zhao family today. The young master of the Zhao family will be engaged to the only daughter of the Shen family!" The secretary told Greg what he had heard.

Greg finally understood what the two were doing. Greg didn't know that York loved that Leona so much, but Greg thought that it was their misfortune to come across him.

Then Greg told the secretary with a playful smile on his face, "Tell Arthur immediately that his son, who is going to get engaged, is now at the airport with a girl. It seems that he is going to elope!"

The secretary was confused, but he didn't ask. Greg's thoughts was beyond his imagination. He just needed to do as he was told.

On the other hand, Greg wasn't in a hurry to go back to her office. He turned around and walked towards the resting area, where Leona and York were whispering to each other. York hold Leona's hand tightly and looked at her fondly.

Greg's face darkened at once. He thought, 'Leona is really a troublemaker. It seems that I haven't taught her enough lessons last time.' But it didn't matter. Greg had plenty of time to play with her. He wanted to let her know her identity.

"May I tell you one more joke? There used to be a hunting house... " Seeing that Leona could not stop herself from laughing crazily because of his jokes, York thought she was very lovely. He had never seen her like this.


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