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Matter of Love novel Chapter 23

Seeing that his son was still so stubborn, especially when Arthur saw Greg's face darkened, he knew it was bad.

Then Arthur raised his hand and slapped York across the face. York was taken aback by his father's words. He shot a warning glance at York and shouted, "Bastard! Guards! Take your master back. He must be engaged to Joyce. The Shen Family should still be there."

Several men came over and pulled York out of the airport.

"I won't be engaged to Joyce, nor will I die. Leona, if you wait for me, I will come to rescue you," York shouted.

Arthur pointed at York, trembling with anger, and scolded, "you unfilial son! If you didn't get engaged to Joyce today, you wouldn't get a penny from me!"

"I would rather give up Zhao Company's right of inheritance than her!" The voice of York came from afar.

"You unfilial son! Are you trying to infuriate me to death? I'm really sorry. Please excuse me. I have to go now. " Arthur said.

"Go, please!" Greg didn't want to talk to Arthur anymore.

Seeing that all the people of Zhao family left quickly, Leona's heart throbbed painfully. She might have met some malicious guys, otherwise everything would be fine as long as she met them?

Her father, Jonson Ling, had told her more than once that the Ling Group would not go bankrupt in the crisis if she were not born. Everything was caused by her.

"Your little boyfriend has gone far. No matter how hard you try, you can't see him!" Greg said coldly.

It sent a shiver down Leona's spine as if she had been hit by a ghost. Then it occurred to Leona that there was this demon next to her. It must be him that had informed York's father by the call, or they wouldn't have appeared here.

But it's no use asking it now. Greg said it clearly that he didn't want her to have a good time. She really didn't know how she had offended him? Leona didn't ask these stupid questions, because she knew that even if she asked, she still couldn't get any answer. Leona had asked Greg for many times, but the result was the same.

"Wild pussycat, are you mad because I messed up your plan? Now that your little boyfriend has left, it's time for us to talk about our relationship. It seems that you have lived a good life in the past few months after I went abroad! " Greg said as he raised his chin frivolously.

Wayne Zhang, the Secretary of Greg, had already hided himself aside. It seemed that something was wrong with the president. Wayne had worked with the president for several years and seldom saw him smiling. However, that smile was creepy. He'd better stay away from it.


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