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Matter of Love novel Chapter 30

Leona had been restless for the whole day. Finally, she came to the bar and changed into working clothes of a bunny girl. Then someone asked her to send a bottle of wine to the table at the corner.

Suddenly, Leona stumbled as she was walking towards the door with a silver plate in her hand, together with the bottle of wine, she fell down to the person next to her.



As Leona threw her wine to the ground, she also sprinkled the golden liquid to the men, women and herself beside her. Then, pieces of glass broke all over the floor, and her calves were scratched, and blood flowed out.

At this time, the upper half of Leona's body fell into the man next to her, and the other hand was leaning on the ground. Countless pieces of glass pierced her palm, and blood flowed out.

The man was also startled by the sudden situation, but he was immediately attracted Leon who was lying on his body. He pretended to raise Leona up with his two hands.

"Are you okay, miss?" The man said, but his hand suddenly exerted, feeling the tenderness between his palms.

"I Sorry, i... " Leona hurriedly struggled to stand up, and at the same time she felt that the man was taking advantage of her. But after all, it was her fault. Regardless of the pain in her hands, Leona pushed the man away.

However, her hands were now stained with blood, which made the man's suit full of blood at once. The pain from her shin made her lose her balance and instantly fell on the man's body.

"Oh my God What's wrong with your club? Ah, my feet were scratched. Look, honey, she did it on purpose!" A sharp voice of a woman came through. It was exactly the woman who had sat with that man before. Wearing a heavy make-up, she was screaming with her red mouth wide open.

The woman clearly saw the sparkling light in the man's eyes when he looked at Leona, and what he did with his hand, the woman was filled with dissatisfaction. 'He is such a lucky guy that I finally won his heart. I can't let the woman in this bar take him away from me.' Thought the woman.

The woman pushed Leona away with great force and pouted her mouth to make the man look at her injured ankle. When the woman saw the blood on the man's clothes, she couldn't help but scream out again, "oh my God! My God! There's blood all over your clothes. Did you get hurt somewhere?"

Finally, Leona struggled to get up from the ground. With a frightened look, Leona lowered her head, kept apologizing to the man and the woman opposite, and repeatedly said, "Sorry, sorry, I really didn't mean it. I just didn't know what was wrong, please forgive me..."

Before the man said anything, the woman next to him reached out her hand with polished fingernails and slapped on Leona's face, "forgive you? You have cut my foot? Besides, our clothes are all dirty. Even if you have worked here for several years, you can't afford one of our clothes. How are you going to pay for this? If you don't compensate for it, this isn't over! Call your foreman here. I want to know how you manage this bar."

As the woman slapped Leona hard across the face again, Leona's face twisted in pain and she fell to the ground again. Leona knew that she was in a bad condition. She should have asked for leave after she came out of the restaurant.

But now, things were different. Leona could tell that the clothes on this couple were expensive. Her salary for a month was not enough to pay for one button on them. What's more, Leona injured that woman's foot. If that woman insisted on asking her to pay for it, she could do nothing about it.


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