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Matter of Love novel Chapter 756

"Okay, let's keep in touch from now on!" After saying that, Jackie arrived at the place designated by Rose. He stopped the car and watched Rose leave. Then he stepped on the gas again.

Not long after Rose got out of the car, a camouflage military jeep which had been following her in the dark started to follow Jackie's car again. They had been following Rose since she got in the car, but they had been following her far away. Now Rose got out of the car, and their speed instantly increased.

"That woman has got off the car. Should we do something?" The driver in the camouflage Jeep asked the person sitting on the passenger seat.

"Well, we can take action now. Let's rush over and try to stop them before we arrive at the place where Chris set the ambush!"

In the black car, Jackie put the small box that Rose gave him before into Alice's hand and said, "This is the legendary Ninth-refined Ring. It's a legacy left by my great grandpa. My old man and his father have been looking for it for a lifetime. As long as I get it, I will be the inheritor of Golden Eagle Group!"

"What's this? Can I have a look?" Alice looked at the small and exquisite box in her hand curiously. She had heard from Jackie that it was Ninth-refined Ring, but she didn't know what it was. Now it was in her hand, and she really wanted to see it.

"Of course, you are the woman I love. Of course I can see it. When I get the group, my father will also pass this treasure to the heir. At that time, you can see it every day. Now I don't mind you to be familiar with it first!" James took Alice's hand and kissed it. He looked at her with loving eyes.

"Really? Then I'll take a good look at it!" Alice said as she opened the box. A red jade ring appeared in it. Alice frowned and pouted, "It's just a ring made of red jade. It's not strange at all!"

Jackie smiled mysteriously and said, "You'll find something different when you look at it under the sun!"

Hearing Jackie]'s words, Alice turned her finger to look at the sun. There were nine dragons rolling inside. Alice exclaimed, "Oh my God, there are nine dragons in it. It's so strange!"

"Of course, so my ancestors named it Ninth-refined Ring. Now you know it's a treasure, right? The old man said that no matter who got the ring, the group would belong to him. Chris would never think that I had got it!" Jackie smiled proudly.

Alice also smiled, but she didn't know if it was her illusion that things were going too smoothly. From last night till now, they hadn't even experienced any ups and downs, which was not a good sign.

But when she saw the excitement on Jackie's face, she didn't want to ruin his good mood. She could only secretly pray in her heart that nothing would go wrong.

At this time, Jackie controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and took Alice's hand with the other. He put it to his lips and said, "Alice, marry me, okay? After I take over the group, I will prepare our wedding immediately. I want you to be the most beautiful bride in the world!"

Alice looked at Jackie with a touched face. She had thought that he was just using her. When he finished using her, he would kick her away. She didn't expect that Jackie had fallen in love with her.

What's better for a woman to have such a man loving her all her life? What's more, she was no longer the heir of Hanson Group. Now she was just Alice. Jackie didn't abandon her. What else could she be satisfied with?


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