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Matter of Love novel Chapter 781

"Greg, why are you here drinking?" Rona opened the door of the private room and saw two empty bottles and two cups on the table. At the same time, Rona looked warily at Amelia sitting next in a way looking at her rival at love.

While Rona was looking at Amelia, Amelia was also looking at her and comparing Rona with Leona.

At that time, Greg bought this bar for the sake of Leona. Of course, he treated Leona differently. Later, Amelia didn't know what happened to them.

She just heard that Leona and Greg had a child these two days, but someone said that it was not Greg's child at all. The truth was probably only known by the people concerned.

Speaking of Leona, Amelia had a good impression of her. Leona was a simple and innocent girl, while the woman in front of her was beautiful. But for some reason, the woman just made people feel uncomfortable.

Amelia shook her head. No matter what, she couldn't get involved. When the woman called just now, she could tell that Greg cared this beautiful woman very much. She'd better withdraw as soon as possible.

Amelia was a sophisticated woman, so she knew it was time for her to leave. She stood up and said to Greg and Rona, "Boss, take your time. If you need anything, call me at any time. There are guests outside, so I'll go out first." Amelia left the room and closed the door considerately.

"Greg, what happened? Why did you come to this place? You seem to be in a bad mood. Can you tell me?" After Amelia left, Rona immediately changed her expression and snuggled up to Greg, asking with concern.

Shaking his head, Greg said, "Nothing. It's just a little stuffy. It's much better now. Let me drive you back."

Rona pouted and said discontentedly, "I just came out. I don't want to go back so early. How about I drink with you?" Then she took a glass of wine and was about to pour it for Greg and herself.

"No, you can't drink, especially this kind of strong alcohol. Since you don't want to go back so early, let's go for a ride." Greg stopped Rona.

With these words, Greg stood up and pulled Rona out of the room. He didn't like this kind of messy place at all. If he hadn't been in a bad mood and wanted to drink, he wouldn't have come here.

After leaving the bar, Greg and Rona sat in the car. Greg started the car and asked, "where do you want to go?"

Rona leaned on the shoulder of Greg, closed her eyes and said intoxicatedly, "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you, I'm willing to go anywhere."

Greg's body trembled slightly because of her words. She said that eight years ago, and he was moved by her words for a long time. When he heard it again eight years ago, his heart was not as excited as it used to be, and what remained was only endless sighs.

Time could really change everything. He had thought that ocean and the mountains would never change his heart, but it had already undergone a tremendous change.

Smelling the fragrance of her hair and feeling the clean and comfortable breath on her body, Greg's mind told him that he should push Rona away and explain everything to her. They couldn't go back to the past, but they were greedy for the warmth brought by Rona at this time.

It was not about love, but the faint warmth. At this moment, he was like a wounded beast, who needed to find a safe place to lick his wound. Rona happened to appear at this time, and she was the person he could trust. That was all.


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