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Matter of Love novel Chapter 800

After finishing his words, he ignored Rona and stepped on the gas. The car instantly drove towards the hospital.

In the hospital, Leona looked at her watch and thought it was time to go back to cook. She had been used to the schedule these days.

She took out her phone and dialed Greg's number. Although he went back on time every day for the past week, he was in charge of such a big company and couldn't refuse some social engagements most of the time. Leona, who had been the CEO of the Wei Group, naturally understood.

She wanted to make sure whether he would go back for dinner or not, and then asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner. Generally speaking, except for the green onions, Leona would respect his opinion.

After a long time, no one answered the phone. "Sorry, the number you dialed is not answered for the time being..." After hearing the mechanical woman's voice, Leona hung up the phone. Perhaps he was busy with the meeting and didn't bring his phone with him.

After hanging up the phone and playing with her son for a while, Leona stood up and said to Lina, "Lina, I'm going back to cook. Please take care of Eden."

"What are you talking about? This is what I should do. You'd better go back now. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it." Lina said with a smile. Since they knew each other for so many years, Lina had already treated Leona as her daughter, and her eyes were full of kindness.

After leaving the ward, Leona went downstairs. Seeing that Leona came out, Toby, who was guarding at the door, quickly ran outside to pick up the car.

Seeing that the floor was falling down quickly, when they arrived at the first floor, Leona walked out of the elevator of the hospital. Toby should have stopped the car at the gate of the hospital by this time.

Just as she was about to walk out of the gate of the hospital, a familiar sky blue Lamborghini sports car appeared in front of her. With a squeak, it stopped at the gate of the hospital, and a familiar figure was sitting in the car.

No wonder he didn't answer the phone. It turned out that he wanted to give her a surprise. Thinking of this, Leona quickly walked forward.

But as she got closer and closer, she saw that besides Greg, there was another person. A woman? Besides, the woman was wearing a dazzling red tight dress, which was the same as the woman who had been seen with Greg in the restaurant online.

Feeling that her heart was about to stop beating, Leona's heart twitched violently. It turned out that he didn't answer the phone because he was with this woman. By instinct, Leona wanted to dodge, but her feet seemed to move forward subconsciously. She wanted to see the woman clearly.

Sitting in the car, Greg looked at Rona firmly and said, "Get out of the car and follow me to check."

"No, I won't." Rona also answered firmly, with the insistence that was not inferior to that of Greg in her eyes.

Greg sighed and felt a little headache for her stubbornness. "You know it's useless. Since I've brought you here, it's useless even if you don't go in. I can still take you in."

"So what?" Rona insisted. When she saw the slender figure standing at the gate of the hospital from the corner of her eyes, a trace of complacency flashed across her face.


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