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Matter of Love novel Chapter 831

"Is Eden in danger? Where are the experts I hired before? " Howard asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, grandfather. I've found Joe. The team he brought are the best doctors in the world. Eden will be fine." Afraid that his grandfather would be worried, Greg comforted him at once.

But since his grandfather was so worried about Eden, perhaps he could take this opportunity to mention the matter of Leona. But after thinking for a while, he decided to let it go. He would talk about it after solving the matter of Golden Eagle.

After coming out of the hospital, Greg returned to the Castle of Jordon again. The most important thing right now was to find the missing Ninth-Refined Ring. Greg took out his phone and dialed Liam's number. "You'll be right there..."

Alice had been wandering outside for a long time. After she and Jackie separated from each other outside the Castle of Jordon, she had been hiding from others and didn't dare to show up. Later, she sneaked back home, only to find that her house was guarded by many people.

Alice was so frightened that she didn't dare to go home directly. Instead, she called her father secretly to ask what had happened at home? The phone was quickly picked up. Anthen hurriedly told her not to hand over the things in her hands, or none of her family could live.

But before he could finish his words, his phone was snatched away, and then a crisp sound came, and Alice couldn't hear anything. Alice called back, but it was a mechanical female voice that couldn't be connected. She knew that it must be her father's phone was broken, which made her more worried. She knew that these people must be the people who ambushed her and Jackie.

Her father was right. If she didn't hand over the thing in her hand, the other party would consider that it was in her hand and wouldn't hurt her parents for the time being. Once she handed it over, it would be all over.

But she had to find a way to save her father, but she was just a weak woman. How could she save her parents? Alice had to hide.

When Chris heard that Alice had called Anthen, he immediately asked someone to catch her, but his men didn't catch her. Chris kicked his men and said, "Bastard, you actually can't even catch a woman. What's the use of raising you idiots? Hurry up. If you can't catch her, don't come back to see me. "

Alice was hiding in an old and shabby house which was demolished. Just now, someone was chasing after her again. She had finally escaped pursuit, and she could no longer bear this kind of daily trembling life. She had to find a way to solve the current situation.

Looking at the Ninth-refined Ring in her hand, Jackie had told her that as long as she gave it to Golden Eagle, she would get Golden Eagle Group.

But she heard that Jackie had died a few days ago. Now Jackie's brother Chris was in charge of Golden Eagle Group. She guessed that Chris was dealing with Jackie this time, so she couldn't give it to them.

Since the thing was stolen from the Castle of Jordon, presumably, Greg would also want the Ninth-refined Ring. Maybe she could cooperate with him, as long as she could save her parents.

Greg was studying the market situation recently when his phone suddenly rang. Looking at the caller ID, he was surprised to find that it was from Alice.

Why would she call him? Greg answered the phone and heard Alice's voice, "Greg, I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Greg frowned as usual. He had nothing to do with Alice except the previous engagement. What kind of deal did she want to make with him now?

"I have what you want. Ninth-refined Ring." Alice's voice came clearly.

Greg knew that the Ninth-refined Ring she referred to was Ninth-refined Ring, so he immediately became energetic and asked, "Where are you?"


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