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Matter of Love novel Chapter 843

As soon as Greg was about to go back from the cemetery, he received a call from the hospital, saying that his grandfather wanted him to go there immediately. Greg was still wondering what happened in such a hurry?

When he arrived at the hospital in a hurry, he saw both Rona and Omar. Greg's heart sank. Why were they here?

"Greg, you bastard! You have such a big son, but you still keep it from me. If your wife hadn't brought your child to see me today, I wouldn't have known that there were mother and son. How can you explain this to me?" Howard said loudly.

Taking a look at Rona, Greg quickly came to his grandfather and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I've been very busy recently, so I haven't had time to tell you about it."

"Busy? What are you busy with? No matter how busy you are, it is more important than my great grandson? Well, I won't pursue this matter anymore. You go back and bring the Ninth-refined Ring here. I will give it to Omar as a gift. From now on, the Ninth-refined Ring will be the symbol of the Wei family's leader. " Howard ordered.

"What? Grandpa, that's your favorite. How can you give it to a child? What if he lose it? " Said Greg anxiously. He couldn't tell his grandfather that the Ninth-refined Ring had been lost and hadn't been found yet.

"Of course not. It's just a symbol. From now on, the heir of the Wei family will be Omar. You can take it back after putting it on." Howard knew that Greg had been thinking about Leona all the time. Otherwise, Rona wouldn't have come to him and asked him to make decisions for her. Although he was old, he knew everything.

The reason why he gave the Ninth-refined Ring to Omar today was to tell Greg that Omar would be the future heir of the Wei family, and Rona was Greg's wife. He had to marry her.

Hearing that, Greg became anxious. He racked his brain to think of a way to stall for time. "Grandpa, if Omar becomes the heir, what about Eden? Don't you care about Eden? "

Seeing that Greg was still thinking about the dying little boy, Rona was furious. But she couldn't show it when Howard was here. She just stood quietly aside and believed that the Lord would definitely arrange it.

Sure enough, Howard sighed and said, "Of course Eden is your child, but his health... Alas, Omar is the eldest son, so he has to take over the family business. It's settled then. Go and get it as soon as possible. "

"But..." Greg wanted to say something more. The Ninth-refined Ring was still in Alice's hand, and she was missing. Where should he find the Ninth-refined Ring?

"Hurry up. You don't listen to me, do you?" Howard suddenly coughed violently.

Frightened, Greg's face turned pale and asked the special nurse to call the doctor.

Howard shook his hand and said, "No. I'm old and I know my own health. You'd better go now."

Seeing that his grandfather insisted, Greg had no choice but to tell the truth. He stood up and said with his head down, "I'm sorry, grandfather. The Ninth-refined Ring has been lost and hasn't been found yet. But don't worry. I swear I will find it back."


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