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Matter of Love novel Chapter 849

York came out of the office in a hurry, grabbed the secretary beside him and shouted, "Where is Janie going to?"

The secretary was also nervous by York. After a long time, she came to her senses, pointed at the direction of the president's exclusive elevator and stammered, "She seems to have gone..."

Janie shrank in the corner of the elevator. The great fear and mental pressure made her almost collapse. She took out her phone again and wanted to call York to save her and the baby in her belly.

Janie didn't want to be angry with York anymore. She just wanted to protect the baby in her belly.

But the phone was out of power before it was dialed out. Janie suddenly felt that God was fooling her, and her heart sank into fear.

Before the secretary could finish her words, York left like a gust of wind. He strode to the elevator and pressed the button hard, but the elevator did not move at all.

York's heart sank. Janie was pregnant now. If she stayed in the confined space for a long time, she would definitely be oxygen starved. He hoped that nothing bad would happen to her.

"Go and find the maintenance department to repair it." York shouted at the secretary behind him, and then knocked hard on the door of the elevator. "Janie, are you inside? Do you hear me? Answer me. "

Janie was in a semi coma. She faintly heard someone calling her name. The voice was so familiar, as if it was York. But would he care about her?

Janie couldn't believe what she had heard and smiled bitterly. Maybe it was an illusion? But the voice was so real, as if it was right next to her ear. The strong will to survive made her hard to open her eyes and weakly shout, "York, I'm inside. Help me, help our child..."

However, her voice was too weak. There were people running back and forth at the door of the elevator, but York couldn't hear the sound inside. He could only slap the door hard and shout, "Janie, if you hear it, knock on the elevator."

This time, Janie clearly heard the voice of York. It turned out that he didn't ignore her. It was her fault. At this moment, Janie's desire for survival became stronger. She tried her best to slap the door of the elevator.

Bang, bang, bang. Although the sound was a little slow, York still heard it. He immediately became excited. Great! She was fine.

"Janie, listen to me. Don't be afraid. Take a deep breath and relax yourself. I will save you." York said anxiously. He knew that the narrow space in the elevator was easy to cause anoxia and fear. Janie was a woman, so she might be afraid.

York's voice came again, miraculously making Janie feel much more relaxed. According to him, she took a deep breath and slowly slowed down the breathing rate. There was not much oxygen here, and she had to hold on until the rescuers arrived.

All of a sudden, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and her forehead was full of sweat. She was flustered. Was the baby going to be born at this time?

Great fear filled her heart again. She was the first child to be born and had no experience at all. Moreover, the doctor told her that there were still more than two months left. Would she be okay after giving birth now?


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