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Matter of Love novel Chapter 856

York's face froze and the lunch box in his hand fell to the ground. "How could this be? Where was the nurse who took away Star? As long as we find her, we can get our Star back. "

"I know, but from the surveillance video of the hospital, I can see that the woman is not a nurse in the hospital. She entered the hospital in the clothes of old lady, and then sneaked into the nursing station when there was no one else. After taking the child away, she left from the back door. The hospital has sent people to look for her, but there is no news yet. " Leona quickly told him what she had known.

"Why? If Janie knows about it, she will definitely not be able to bear the stimulation. " York said absentmindedly. He finally decided to start over with Janie. He didn't want this to happen again.

"I know. That's why I didn't dare to tell Janie. I also asked the hospital to keep a close watch on the news. They can't tell her before the baby is found. But the problem was that it had been so long. What if the child was still not found by tomorrow? Janie goes to see the baby every day. Her mental state is just a little better. If she knows that the baby is missing, I'm afraid that she can't bear it. " Said Leona anxiously.

York was also worried about this problem. And the child was also his. Thinking of where the child was taken away, he felt a burst of fear. If his child was taken away by the human traffickers, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"But what should we do now? Shall we call the police? " York was at a loss.

Leona said, "I think so, too. But the problem is that once we call the police, I'm afraid that if we make too much noise, Janie will know. Now you'd better comfort her first. She is still in her confinement and needs rest. You'd better tell the police not to say this on TV. And then send her home for recuperation. Maybe we can hide it from her. "

"But what about the baby? If she leaves the hospital, she will definitely have her baby with her. Otherwise, I guess she would rather stay here. " York was not as irritable as before. He gradually calmed down and analyzed.

"How about..." Leona wanted to discuss with the hospital first to see if there was an abandoned baby of the same size, so that she could hide it from Janie for the time being. But what if the baby was found? And the abandoned baby girl was about the same age, and they had to find the girl before tomorrow morning. How could it be so easy to find the girl?

"What do you think?" Seeing that Leona was in a dilemma, York knew that what she said was definitely not a good way, but he could not care much at this critical moment.

"I know it's a bad idea, but I can't think of any other way," said Leona.

After a long silence, York's phone rang. It was from Janie. York answered the phone and heard Janie's worried voice. "Are you still busy, York?"

York came to his senses at once. "Oh, I've finished my work. I'll be in the hospital soon."

"Okay. Drive slowly. Bye."

After hanging up the phone, York finally nodded with difficulty. If Janie knew that he had lost his child, she would definitely not be able to bear it. "Do as you said. Help me discuss with the hospital, and I'll go in to see her."

"Don't worry. I will take care of everything here. You must control your emotions and don't let Janie notice anything wrong." Leona exhorted worriedly. It was true that York looked terrible now.


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