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Matter of Love novel Chapter 893

After hearing the simple explanation of Leona, Greg rushed out of the office in a hurry. He was so anxious that he didn't even put on his coat. He went directly to the underground parking lot and got on the car. He drove quickly towards the hospital according to the address that Leona told him.

On the way, Greg ran countless red lights. When he finally arrived at the hospital, Omar had been sent to the operating room. Wayne and Leona stood at the door of the operating room, covered in blood.

Greg darted over and asked, "What happened? Why did Omar get hurt? "

"I... I don't know what's going on. I have protected him well, and I don't know why he pounced on me all of a sudden. I didn't mean it." said Leona, shaking her head.

Wayne also testified, "Mrs. Wei didn't mean to do that. Kelvin was going to hit her, but I was right next to her. Even I couldn't rush over to protect her at such a short distance."

Greg frowned, "Kelvin? Didn't he fall off the cliff? Is he still alive? "

Wayne nodded, "I'm sure it's Kelvin. But he has been shot to death. I've already asked someone to deal with Kelvin's corpse."

"But why is Omar with you?" Greg continued to ask. Omar usually received training with his grandfather in the old castle. How could he leave the castle?

At this time, Leona choked with sobs and could not speak. The excessive horror and fear made her tremble uncontrollably.

Greg held her in his arms and comforted her with his body temperature, but looked at Wayne.

"We don't know why Mr. Omar is there, but when I went to the Prada counter with Mrs. Wei, I met Miss Rona. After we left, we met Mr. Omar. He said he had lost. When we were about to take him to look for Miss Rona, something happened. " Wayne told Greg everything in detail.

Greg clenched his fists. Rona must have forgotten Omar when she was shopping. He had never seen such an irresponsible mother. Now Omar was injured. Grandpa would be anxious if he couldn't see him at night.

When Greg was in a hurry, the door of the operating room was suddenly opened. A nurse came out in a hurry and asked, "Who is the patient's family? The patient needs blood transfusion now and needs to go through the hospitalization procedures as soon as possible. "

Greg stepped forward and said, "I'm the patient's father. I can transfuse blood to him." He turned to Wayne and said, "Go to go through the admission procedures for Omar. Hurry up."

"Yes, sir." Wayne left in a hurry, and so did Greg.

"Sir, your blood is different from the patient's. you can't have a blood transfusion." The nurse tested Greg's blood.

Greg frowned and looked at the nurse, "Miss, are you sure? He is my son. Why can't I transfuse blood to him? "


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