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Matter of Love novel Chapter 9

"What?" Before Leona could figure out what had happened, she felt the sky and the earth were spinning. Then she fell to the ground under the protection of York. Just as York's back was about to hit the ground, he suddenly turned over. As a result, Leona fell on his body.

York pushed Leona away. Then five or six men came out of nowhere, each holding sticks in their hands, and hit hard on his head and body.

At this moment, even if York had eight stages of Taekwondo, he was not a match for the other party. He could only protect his head with both hands and curl up his body to give his back to the other party. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! With the sound of wood hitting on the body, a large pool of blood appeared on the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Help! Someone is murdering! Help!" Terrified, Leona immediately began to shout out loud. Several security guards rushed out of the bar and scared those hooligans who had just beat York.

Leona rushed to York and cried with her face full of tears, "wake up, York. Don't scare me!"

"If so, he was seriously injured. Call an ambulance and send him to the hospital." The guard next to Leona recognized her and had a good impression of this quiet girl. So he reminded her.

"Oh yes, thank you so much, brother Zhang!" Only then did Leona remember this. She immediately took out her old phone and called an ambulance.

While waiting for the ambulance, York opened his eyes. His head was hit by a stick, and his face and body were stained with blood. His white shirt was dyed scarlet, which looked shocking. He arduously lifted his bloody hand to wipe off the blood on Leona's face, and managed to show a smile. He said in a weak voice, "you silly girl, don't cry. I'm fine. It's just a minor wound. I'm still alive. I won't die. Don't worry..."

Hearing this, Leona put his hand on her face and choked with sobs. She thought to herself, 'he has already been so weak, but he still doesn't want me to worry about him. Why is he so silly?'? Thinking that York was injured because of her, Leona felt more guilty and her tears could not help rolling down.

With great difficulty, York put his hand into his trouser pocket and fumbled for a long time before he took out a small box. He pressed a button, and then took out a handmade bracelet and raised it in front of Leona. York said weakly, "today is your birthday. It's not yet 12 o'clock yet. This is my gift to you. It's my birthday present for you. I know you won't accept expensive gifts. So I made this by myself. Would you like to take it? "

Leona received the bloody bracelet with a heart-shaped pendant, which was tied with a series of small beads, shining in the light of the street lamps. Although the workmanship was somewhat rough, it could be seen that whoever made it has spent a lot of energy on it. At that moment, Leona could not help but burst into tears. Today was her birthday. Even she did not remember it. She did not expect that York could remember it clearly.

"How... How do you know my birthday?" Leona asked while crying. No one knew her birthday except herself.

"I, I saw it in the student file. You... I'll put it on for you!" York looked at Leona hopefully.

"Okay, I'll put it on. Stop talking. The ambulance is coming!" With tears in her eyes, Leona was now wearing the bracelet around her wrist. At this moment, the sound of an ambulance came from afar. After saying the last sentence, York lay in her arms and fell into a coma.

"Wake up, York. Don't scare me. The ambulance is coming. You'll be fine. Wake up!" Leona yelled with fear.


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