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Matter of Love novel Chapter 903

Looking at his mother's angry face, Omar said timidly, "Mommy, are you angry?"

"Forget it, Omar. Listen to me. I have to leave here right now." Rona grabbed her son's shoulder and said.

"Okay, then Omar will go to pack up and go with Mommy." Omar smiled. Although he liked his father very much, he preferred to be with his mother.

Rona looked at her son in embarrassment. She had no choice but to leave by herself. She had to find Omar's biological father, because only he could avenge her, because they had a common enemy.

But she didn't want to take Omar to see his biological father, because he was the same kind of person as her father, Zed, and even more powerful than Zed.

Although Rona didn't treat her child well, Omar was her own child, so she didn't want him to suffer.

According to her understanding of Greg, even if he hated her, he wouldn't vent his anger on Omar. Moreover, strictly speaking, he was still Omar's uncle.

Obviously, Omar was much better with Greg than with his biological father, at least with the side of Greg. When Omar grew up, he would also live in a normal environment, and it would be better for him not to go on the same path as his father.

Moreover, Omar was the safest in Greg's house. Once she won, she would take her son away as soon as possible. If she lost, Greg would also raise Omar up.

Rona held her son's hand and said seriously, "Omar, Mommy can't take you away."

"Why? Mommy? Omar will be obedient and won't make any trouble for Mommy. Mommy, don't leave him alone. " Omar was about to cry and looked at his mother pitifully.

Tears streamed down Rona's cheeks. She touched her son's head with one hand and sobbed, "Baby, I did this all for your own good. You have to listen to me. I will come to pick you up after I finish my work. If Mommy can't come to pick you up, you must learn to do business with Daddy and make more money in the future, because this is the foundation of your foothold. You should also get along well with Leona... "

Rona talked a lot to her son, which was the most she had said to her son for a long time. Perhaps Omar was still young and couldn't fully understand what she meant, but she was afraid that there would be no chance in the future if she didn't say it now.

Finally, Rona asked her son to leave with tears in her eyes, and then she left the hospital quickly. Looking at her mother's back, Omar's eyes were blurred with tears. "Mommy, I remember what you said. Don't worry, Mommy. I won't let you down."

Early in the morning, when Greg found that Rona had left, he stamped his feet. She hadn't told him who Omar's biological father was? At first, Greg didn't care about the answer, but since he knew that Omar was related to him by blood, Greg paid more attention to it, as if he hadn't known something.

After getting the surveillance video of the hospital, he knew that Rona had left at dawn in the morning. Leona said anxiously, "How about sending someone to look for her?"

Greg nodded, "I'll arrange it."

"But if Omar knows that his mother has left again, will he be sad?" said Leona sadly.

With a long sigh, Greg said, "Hiding is not a good idea. We can't hide it from Omar. Omar will come to see his mother later. We'd better tell him the truth."

"But that's too cruel." Although Omar had a prejudice against her, he had saved her life, so she always felt guilty about Omar. Leona said with a little pity.


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